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"Are you ready bean? I whisper rubbing my palm over my stomach which caused a comforting kick, the baby always knew when I needed cheering up and it certainly worked 

I slipped one leg out of the bay window then contorted my bed to ease my way out completely so that I was stood on the ledge, it wasn't until now, looking down at the drop that I really questioned what the hell I was doing - was not being shown love from my mate worth risking my own and my baby's life?

A loud noise behind me made the decision for me, I panicked causing me to half jump and half fall from the ledge, I managed to tuck and roll once I hit the floor and although vibrations of pain radiated through my body it wasn't anything that I was immediately concerned about. I wasn't even sure what the noise was but it was enough to spring me into action, I crept around the perimeter of the building until I found a garage, without knowing it Damon had offered me all the information I needed - I really hoped this didn't get him into trouble because he really was a good guy.

I took one of the keys off of the hook and pointed it at all the cars while pressing the unlock button waiting until one of the cars lit up - there was so many that it seemed to take forever to find it in my panic but soon enough I was strapping the seatbelt over my body and setting off out of the large garage doors, nobody seemed to be following me all the way back to my apartment so I could only hope that they hadn't noticed yet... I knew that Theodore wasn't going to give up once he realised I was gone so the head start would be good for me especially since I couldn't exactly move fast.

I flung the door to my apartment open and noticed everything seemed exactly as I had left it and yet something was different, I tiptoed as best as I could around the flat hoping not to run into anyone at all whether they want to kidnap me again or just want to take me back to Theodore. Luckily there was nobody there but it wasn't until I was packing my bag with as much as I could for both me and the few baby items I had bought that I noticed something on the rocking chair in the nursery...

A tie?

I felt my breathing rate increase as I walked towards it, the second I picked it up I knew it was his, it was Theodore's and that's when it clicked - things seemed different without anything being moved was because his scent was now all around my apartment but it was slightly stale meaning he wasn't here now but he visited recently.

Crap... double crap!

I thought I had the advantage of him not knowing where I lived so it would give me extra time for once again to gain a head start but I didn't even have that anymore, this would be the first place he came to look for me.

"Oh bean, what are we going to do?" I say a strangled sound coming out of my throat in a panic 

I stood in the middle of the nursery with Theodores tie pressed to my nose as tears flooded out of my eyes. I couldn't bare the thought of leaving and never seeing him again but I made a choice and I had to stick by that, it was that I chose my baby and always would do - Theodore so far seemed to make it pretty clear that he didn't want anything to do with the baby and I couldn't accept that.

The last thing I packed in my large bag was Theodores tie, it was half in the zipped bag half hanging out that I held in my hands for comfort. I know carrying such heavy bags wasn't exactly good for me but I had no choice, I had to do things for myself just like I had for the past months. Tears once again threaten to fall from my eyes as I take one last look around my apartment, it was never home like mine back in the pack but I wasn't ready to leave it, it was the first place I had imagined bringing up my baby.

I fling open the door barely paying attention as I scoot out of the door before walking into a warm, strong body - I already knew who it was and it wasn't Theodore

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