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^^^ Marley

I had eventually managed to pull myself together and realised that I would have to get along with things here until I could find a way to leave again and this time not get caught but one thing was for sure, Theodore would not be welcome in my room and he would not be allowed to touch me - everytime he did I forgot any plan I had to get him on my side, I could barely even remember my own name.

Damon and I, were, as usual getting on like a house on fire - I couldn't trust him to tell him that I was planning to leave because he had a duty to his Alpha that even I wouldn't want to come between becasue it could put Damon in a large amout of danger and I genuinely liked him and never wanted him to be hurt - it made me sad that I would be leaving and I would never see Damon again, if I could stay I would've loved to be friends with him.

Theodore had seemed to resort back to his old days when he completely avoided me, all visits stopped and Anna was now only the person who brought my food but I happily accepted this as it meant there would be no distractions to throw me off of my plan, it did make Damon suscpicious as first but after a simple explanation of what he wanted to hear about how I had accepted that this was the place I belonged even if I couldn't be with Theodore the way I wanted to be - this seemed to satify him for some reason, he clearly didn't understand girls at all if he thought that I would be willing to settle for that.

I had also got talking to another one of my body guards as i called them, I didn't get along with him as much as I did with Damon but he spoke to me about all different things and kept me company. One of the reasons he wasn't as good as Damon was because he didn't have a mate so he thought me pining after Theodore was ridiculous because he didn't understand it yet oppositely he was super interested in the baby, Damon - although he didn't seem disgusted by my huge stomach - he liked to avoid the subject completely and wouldn't look down at the bump whereas Marley - the new bodyguard - was always asking questions about how I was feeling, if i thought the baby was a boy or girl, how it felt when it kicked etc..

Putting down my quilt onto the floor and then a cushion, I slowly dropped down onto it on my side of the room with Marley sat on the other side in the corridoor. I was circling the palm of my hand on my stomach as we chatted about nothing important, I liked being able to talk because being stuck in that room sometimes made me feel like I was going crazy and stuck in a prison.

"Has Theodore done much recently?" I ask without even realising I was asking about the one person I was meant to be forgetting 

"Um..." he had clearly been told not to say anything to me 

"It fine, forget it" I say waving my hand at him with a roll of the eyes, I didn't want to know about him!

As if trying to change the topic as quickly, Marley's eyes drop to my stomach "How is the baby?" he grins

"He's okay" I shrug not really interested, the thought of Theodore had instantly brought my mood right back down to rock bottom no matter how hard I tried to pretend like he didn't exsist he always seemed to come back to me 

"He?" Marley asks raising his eyebrows 

"I don't know really, i always change my mind to whether he is a boy or girl but right now I think boy" i smile softly rubbing my bump gently momentarily forgetting Theodore

We stayed where we were talking about nothing until suddenly 

"AH SHIT CRAMP!" I yell trying to stretch out my leg while Marley who had been taken a back seconds earlier was laughing at me barely able to control himself 

"Help me up you dickhead" I pants unable to even stand up, i cant help but laugh a little at the ridiculous situation but it soon replaced with a half laugh, half scream in overly dramatic pain, Marley puts him arms under my arm pits and hauls me to my feet, he places his hands just above my hips to steady to as i tried to walk and stumbled immediately 

"I think my foot is about to fall off" I yell with a laugh, tears from laughter filling my eyes as i hobbled around like an old woman, the bump didn't make the situation any better 

A growl from behind me, makes me jump as I instantly know who it is, at first i can't understand why Theodore is annoyed until I feel Marley's fingers dip into my sides out of shock as fear 

"Get. Your. Hands. Off. Of. My. Mate" Theodore spits making any feel of humour in the air instantly disappear and turned it into fear

"Ah.... Alpha... I was just making sure she didn't fall" Marley splutters yet he is in so much shock that he hands stay firmly plantes on my waist, his grip getting tighter and tighter by the second out of fear, he was so focused on Theodore that he didn't even remember that his hands were still there 

"Ouch!" I yelp, I had tried to keep my mouth shut for as long as possible but one of the werewolves natural responses to anger or fear is for their nails to appear so that if they need to make a quick attack they have the means necessary, most of the time this response can be controlled because it can look disrespectful to do it to an Alpha like you are challenging them but Marley was just so scared of what Theodore would do, not only did he forget where his hands were but he couldn't control this meaning his sharp nails went straight into my soft skin.

I felt Marley's hands leave my sides, all thoughts of cramp now gone. A thud beside me told me the only reason Marley's hands had left my body was because as I looked down to the floor, I saw Theodore straddling his face sending punch after punch to Marley's already bloody face.

"Theodore!" I scream flinging myself in the direction of the two men, Marley couldn't even put up a fight as this point and yet punches still found their way to his face 

I manage to find my way to the back of Theodore, I throw my body ontop of his trying to stop him but as he brings his arm back to send another punch to Malrey's body he sends a forceful elbow to my large bump sending me flying across the room, i knew he was strong but I didn't realise he could be that strong, tears from earlier from laughing are now replaced with tears of pain that is ripping through my stomach, I automatically place my hands on my stomach protectively.

Theodore knows what he has done immediately because everything goes silent, the punches stop, the small moans that left Marley's swollen mouth every time Theodore's fist conncted with his mouth stop and my protests for him to stop, stop. My vision goes slightly blurry but i can't decide whether thats because of the shock, an actual injury or the tears in my eyes.

"Cassandra... Cass.... Cassie - please tell me you're okay" Theodore whispers placing one of his large hands on my cheek, he uses the other one to place it on my stomach, at first I can't help the little jump that my heart does but then every fibre of my body burns with red hot anger - he wants to touch my stom thach lovingly now that he has hurt me? I don't think so bitch!

"I think.. I think I need to go to the hospital" I mutter, Theodore attempts to slip his hands under me to carry me but I push away from him and manage to somehow get to my feet unsteadily - stubbornness is a funny thing 

"Oh, hospital - yes good idea" Theodore panics, glancing over at Marley who hasn't moved, I manage to hobble over to him, praying silently that he will be okay and begging my baby to stay strong 

"Marley, come on Marley, wake up for me" I whisper, I hear a low growling sound as I place my hand on his chest, I glare over at Theodore who is pacing slightly watching me intently 

"You get him and take him with us, this is all your fault!" I yell gasping slightly as a pain shoots through my stomach, the look on Theodore's face tells me he doesn't want to do it "If you care about me, even a little bit you will do this for me"

An annoyed look flitters onto Theodore's face but I raise my eyebrows and he moves forward to scoop Marley up off of the floor before we set off to find the pack hospital.

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