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When I was finally coming round, my eyes and my limbs felt too heavy to even lift but I could certainly feel my body aching and groaning in protest, it could barely even remember where I was until I heard a small cry and a comforting voice following it.

"Oh shush now little one, mummy will be awake soon," a cooing voice said, I had never heard it before and yet the voice itself was familiar

I could just about muster a slight moaning sound to let Theodore know that I was awake 

"Nurse! Doctor! She's awake" an excited voice shouted, every part of me felt so weak and no matter how hard I tried to open my eyes or move my arms it just wasn't happening

"Hello Cassandra, can you open your beautiful eyes for me" a male doctor rang out, there was a low growl from the left side of me, clearly a possessive alpha mate of mine, one of my eyelids was prized open and a light shone in it before it happened to my second eyelid yet when the doctor moved his hands they dropped back closed and I still couldn't open them "I'm just going to give you some medicine Cassandra to help bring you around, Okay?"


It took a full 15 minutes but my eyes were now finally open and I was sat up in bed careful of my movements because everything still hurt or throbbed. I noticed a small bundle in a cot at the end of my bed and Theodore was sat beside me

"How is he?" I ask feeling as though I'd just ran a marathon 

"He? Cassie, she's a girl - a little princess" Theodore grins and lets out a chuckle when he see's the surprise on my face, he also knows my next question before I even ask it "Yes, she's a little small and they had to give her a little bit of help at first but she's doing amazing now"

I let out a small sigh of relief "What happened to me?"

"I think you just wanted to show us your dramatics" Theodore winks before turning serious "You lost a lot of blood, they had to give you transfusions, then you're blood pressure went through the roof and... Oh, Cassandra, you flat lined on the operating table - they don't know why but they brought you back somehow... I don't know what I would've done without you"

"I died?" I ask my breathing getting shallow with anxiety, Theodore brings a glass with a straw in it to my lips for me to drink from to calm me down

"You're okay now darling, you both are - are you ready to meet your daughter?" Theodore grins already knowing the answer but I nod enthusiastically anyway.

Theodore reaches over to press the button behind the bed, it wasn't the red one I remember that meant danger but a nurse did come into the room with a smile on her face.

"Yes Alpha?" she says stopping in the doorway 

"Cassandra would like to hold her baby now" he explains, he reaches over and undoes the front of my gown and pulls it right down off of my shoulders leaving a substantial amount of skin on show, why he couldn't have gotten the baby I don't know but I watched as the nurse took all the baby's clothes off and brought her to me, she lay her straight down on my chest for skin to skin as I was filled with a feeling I had never experienced before, I leant my head down and kissed the top of her small head while Theodore did the same to me

"Cassie, why are you crying?" Theodore chuckles, perching on the edge of the bed beside me

"This is just all so overwhelming, I always knew this would be like nothing else I would ever experience but I was never truly prepared to feel like this - I just love her so much" I hiccup softly glancing up at Theodore who was watching me intently, I also felt sad... because I could see how hard Theodore was trying but until he had his own child, he would never know this feeling, I was feeling this alone when really this should be a moment we shared together

"Theodore..." I start cautiously 

"Thought of any names?" He asks abruptly trying to change the subject 

"I had two that I liked, Ivory which means pure, I liked it because she wasn't exactly created in pure intentions but somehow I have managed to create this pure, innocent little girl... then I liked Layla because It mean's night and well it just seems to fit with our lifestyle" I laugh slightly but Theodore knows something is off

"Both of those names are nice... but you're thinking something else? What is it?" he grins, happy that he can read me like a book

"Well, I always liked the name Lottie but... well her father is - will be an Alpha so I always presumed with that blood she would be big and strong, Lottie means tiny but maybe it was meant to be that she came early" I say running my finger down the side of her small cheek

"I like Lottie" Theodore forces out, I know he is annoyed at the mention of her father because his jaw clenches angrily

"Lottie it is then" I smile running the tip of my nose down the bridge of hers

Despite only waking up ten minutes earlier, I was suddenly overcome with a need for sleep and the arm I had under Lottie's head was feeling extremely heavy despite her only weighing 5lb 6oz (2.5kg).

"Can you get her, I'm really tired" I sigh every blink made my eyes feel heavier, who knew just holding a baby could make you feel so tired and exhausted - in all fairness, I had just gone through major surgery with by the sounds of it complications that were very serious

I watched Theodore hesitate, he looked over his shoulder in the direction of the door as if praying somebody else would walk in that could handle Lottie but when nobody did he turned back to face me, he shakily picked her up and as quickly as he could put her down back into the cot that she had been in earlier, he brought a blanket up to her chest, he lingered for a second and ran his finger down her cheek with a hint of a smile before, as if remembering what he was doing, shook his head and turned back to me

"How are you feeling?" he asks walking back to the top end of the bed and perching on the edge, he leant forward and pressed his lips to my forehead careful not to put any of his weight on me to make sure he didn't hurt me

"Tired, sore.. but I'm okay," I say forcing a smile, Theodore says nothing as he buttons up the shirt I was wearing making sure I was properly covered up

"You did amazing, I was so scared when I thought I had lost you," he says in a sincere voice as he tucked a piece of stray hair behind my head, he liked to do that so he could see my whole face

"Which time?" I ask

Almost immediately, part of me regretted saying it especially when Theodore's been making more of an effort in the past couple of hours than he had since he had met me but the reality was that I was still in the same position as I had been when I was pregnant, if not more so now that the baby was here, she was my first prioriy and if he was a danger to her or was going to make her feel bad just because of how she came about in this world then I would have to leave him, the thought of leaving him made my heart feel heavy and sore but it would be what I would have to do.

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