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Flopping back on my new bed, I find myself tossing and turning - I longed for my bed at home that I had warmed too for nearly two years. We had a mutual understanding and I had made it (in my mind) the most comfortable bed in the world, this new one was just too hard. Reading online about pregnancy had already made me try to stop sleeping in my usual way which was on my stomach because I didn't want to crush the baby so I had to sleep on my side on the world's hardest bed - the opposite of what I was used too.

I had moved on the borderline of a city, it was close enough for me to access everything I needed but it wasn't noisy with traffic and shoppers which was perfect for me and the view was to die for. The apartment had my personal touch on it which was another positive of me moving out, I had to remind myself of these good things so that I was able to hold myself together, I had been here a week and the first night was hell - I sobbed all night feeling totally alone.

I had also been forcing myself to get out of the house as often as possible, being cooped up as a werewolf wasn't good in any circumstance but even more so when you're in the position that I was in - the amount of time that it had taken to find this apartment and make in habitable I had now grown a very noticeable bump so it was always a conversation starter while I was out.

I had also been forcing myself to get out of the house as often as possible, being cooped up as a werewolf wasn't good in any circumstance but even more so when you're in the position that I was in - the amount of time that it had taken to find th...

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I had always loved clothes and fashion even though it was a secret passion of mine so I found myself expressing who I was even more now that I wasn't in my old pack. With it being summer, I had never had a problem finding cute clothes to showed to my tanned complexion but these days it only seemed that maternity shorts and a tank top would work with bump and loose sandals to help with my seemingly always swollen ankles.

I forced myself up with a lot of effort before putting some makeup on my face, this was another thing I loved to do - I wasn't the type of girl who NEEDED to put makeup on to leave the house but if I had time then it was something that I liked to do. It was me time, me time that I would lose in a number of months when the baby was born and I was officially a single mother.

One place I love to go too was a park nearby to where I lived, there was a lake with swans and ducks, it was beautiful and serine, the calmness allowed me to think, of course this has it's downsides if I began thinking too much which would bring me down but for the most part I enjoyed it. I was visiting there today just to walk around and show off my bump, my ever growing bump had quickly become one of my favourite things about me - as much as I wanted to hate the thing growing inside of me, I couldn't, I loved him or her.

Sure, my life wasn't going the way I had planned it too but it wasn't the baby's fault, I made the mistake of not being careful so I couldn't blame someone so innocent for that. As I was walking, I found myself cradling my bump fondly, I pushed my aching ankles and over heating body to the back of my mind just to enjoy the moment. I had been succeeding until I smelt something off in the distant, it was intoxicating - I couldn't even pinpoint what the smell was, it was like a burst of a thousand of the sweetest smelling things all in one.

I looked in all directions but with it being a Monday morning there was very few people around. I shook my head, telling myself I was going crazy as I sat on a nearby wall just watching the water and ducks but with the next gust of wind I smelt it again, and this time it was much stronger... I wasn't going crazy!

Spinning around as much as my body would let me, I still couldn't see anyone that I believed to be the owner of such a mouth watering scent. I scooted down off of the wall that I had been sitting on to have a look around, I knew I would regret it if I didn't. I waddled around hoping that I wasn't walking straight into danger because I certainly couldn't move as quick as I used to be able too.

I walked towards the forest close by to the lake and without a second thought walked in, half way in I was starting to regret that decision, there seemed to be noises making me jump from every direction. Back in my old pack it was compulsory that from age 8 we had to take fighting lessons, it start off as 3 hours a week and then for an average pack member at age 18 and up it was at least an hour a day.

It had been months since I had done any form of training not to mention I now had the bump not only to protect but it was also in the way. If I found myself in any form of danger I knew I wouldn't be able to fight my way out of it, therefore, I knew I should turn back around and walk back to what I knew was relative safety but yet as the mouth watering scent grew stronger I felt my feet carrying me further and further into the forest without even realising it.

Soon enough I came to an opening, it was hidden behind bushes with just enough space to see over the top off, excitement buzzed at the end of every nerve in my body, I was ready to find whatever this thing was...


There was absolutely nothing or nobody there, I was sure I would find something or somebody there and now all I could feel was disappointment.

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