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I couldn't deny that once we had gotten back to Theodores pack he was making positive changes, he was finally making an effort. The sad thing was that I still didn't see much of him, I continually saw Damon who was now practically my bodyguard but Theodore still found it hard seeing me and even though now he gave me freedom to walk among the hall that I was on (Which wasn't total freedom but still an improvement from before) he still seemed to avoid me like the plague, despite this we agreed that at least once a week he would come and eat dinner with me so that we could spend time together to get to know each other - he probably agreed to this because I still ate in my own room.

The funny thing was, now that I was able to walk around, all be it not very far but I was able to leave my room, I now didn't want too. The fact that my own mate who was supposed to love me more than anyone in the world was ashamed of me made me retract in my shell, made me embarrassed of myself.

I spent most of my time curled up under the covers of my bed, I felt so down that not even Damon who had always been able to lighten my spirits was having no effect.

"C'mon Cassie" Damon says with a soft smile "Lets go for a walk"

"I don't want to go for a walk, I want to lay in bed" I yell back covering my face with the covers, with a  sigh I hear Damon leave, I am thankful that I am once again on my own, Damon was told to care for me/watch me - he wouldn't want anything to do with the ugly, pregnant girl who was having a baby with a guy who wasn't her mate if he wasn't forced too

I hear the door open and a number of smells enter the room, the covers tight over my head make it hard to distinguish who it is and what they are bringing in because I know food is involved, my stomach knows food is involved because it immediately starts to grumble at me but my stubborn ass doesn't move pretending like I didn't even know anyone entered the room.

The person pulls out the cover that was wrapped around my whole body, I instantly know before I smell him that it's Theodore, nobody else would have done that especially not without saying anything before hand but once he does expose me to the air, I can smell his intoxicating scent but I once again stayed stubborn and didn't move. After a moment of nothing as if deciding what to do, the bed dips down beside me as Theodore crawls into the bed beside me, I feel him wrap his strong arms around me and pulls my back to his chest.

"What's wrong? Damon told me something was wrong" Theodore asks pressing a kiss to the back of my neck

"YOU SNAKE!" I yell, Damon chuckled from outside the door clearly knowing it was meant to be for him, I was annoyed that he'd ran back to Theodore for no reason apart from the fact that I was down but I was also glad now that I felt him up against me 

"What's wrong?" Theodore repeats, one arms snakes around me, he rests it for a second on my ever growing bump before he slides it up just under my chest as if I wouldn't notice but I decided not to say anything about it

"I'm just tired" I mutter pressing my butt into his lap as he growls warningly 

"Don't" he growls and yet he can't help but push up against me too making my giggle, I manage - somehow - to roll over to face Theodore whose cheeks are tinted red 

"Why not?" I grin sliding my hand down his chest before placing it on his knee, I rub his thigh slowly pretending to not be doing anything

"Cassandra" he purrs, he tries to look annoyed and yet he is failing miserably as he closes his eyes while biting his lip trying to control his self

I notice that Theodore is wearing a white, button down shirt and black pants, the top two buttons of his shirt are already undone and I suddenly feel over come with the urge to rip his top off and that is exactly what I do 

"What the hell" Theodore yells but I quickly stop him from saying anything else with a hard kiss which he returns, he clearly wasn't that bothered. I crawled on top of Theodore and for once he didn't seem repulsed by me, I pulled back slightly and I watched as he looked me up and down - I could barely contain myself as I saw only pure love in his eyes before he sits himself up slightly to kiss me again

This time it was Theodores turn to pull my top off of my body, he kissed down from the corner of my mouth to my chin and then to my chest, he kissed and nipped gently the skin just above where the cup of my bra sat as I moaned in appreciation.

As if finally realising what was happening, Theodore managed to pull himself off of me and flew to the other side of the room both of us breathing hard trying to catch our breath.

"I'm sorry" Theodore said not able to look me in the eye 

"Why are you sorry?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him as he backs up towards the door only now realising I had just ripped his shirt meaning he couldn't put it back on, Damon was on the other side of the door, there was no hiding what had just happened when Theodore walked out 

"I shouldn't have done that" Theodore says looking queasy 

"Get out" I mutter my eyes filling with tears, when he stayed where he was I jumped up from the bed "Did you hear me? GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!" I yell, tears falling from me eyes as I grabbed him on the arm and pushed him out of the room before crawling back into bed, I noticed the bowl of pasta on the bedside table that he had brought for me, my hunger came back immediately but being as stubborn as ever, I picked it up and threw it at all the wall.

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