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Due to my exhaustion and the comforting rhythm of being carried I fall asleep, I had always been good and knowing when I should trust someone and this man I definitely did, I knew I was safe now.


When I finally wake up we are no longer moving, in fact, I'm not even in his arms anymore, I am in the comfiest bed I think I've ever been in. I'm surrounded by a cocoon of the thickest blankest and pillows, if this was my bed I'd never do anything, I'd constantly be in bed. Although when I first wake up I am worried because I don't know where I am, I make no attempts to move because I don't feel as if I am in immediate danger. 

I stretch out all of my bones and although they feel heavy and a little sore I am almost healed, my headache has gone, the baby is kicking away as if to tell me that everything is okay and the scrapes and cuts have healed too.

The door opens as I sit up and I know who I want to walk through that door but it isn't him, I'm instantly disappointed but the girl who walks in looks nice enough so I force myself to smile at her as to not look rude.

"Hey" she says excitedly with a dramatic wave "I'm Annabelle but everyone calls me Anna"

"Cassie" I reply with a weak wave back

"You must be starving" she says walking towards you to help you up. As werewolves we eat a lot more than humans just to be able to function normally not to mention the added second werewolf I needed to feed in my stomach and I hadn't eaten in what felt like forever, my stomach was growling and cramping from hunger pains.

"A little" I shrug sheepishly pushing the quilt away from my body

"Well come on then, I'll take you downstairs to get you some food" she says sweetly and I already know that I like this girl

Anna hooks one of her arms under my armpits before helping me stand up, her eyes instantly fall down to my large belly, for a couple of seconds she is dumb struck not knowing what to do, she clearly hadn't been briefed on my.. situation

"On second thoughts, maybe you could stay up here and I'll go and get the food, there will be a lot of people down there and it might be too much for you and the...baby" she says helping me back into bed before quickly leaving the room, I know she means well but I couldn't help but feel more ashamed in that one moment than I ever had at home.

When she finally comes back she is carrying a tray with what looks like a thousand different foods and I feel as though I could literally kiss her. I thought that the look on her face when she saw my belly would mean she would do what she had to do and leave as quick as she could  but she surprisingly didn't, she sat down on the other side of the bed and just let me eat before we started talking.

"Is it everything you ever wished it would be? Being pregnant I mean" she asks with the biggest smile on her face

"It's tiring and sore but I already know I love him or her more than I even thought it possible to love anyone. It just hasn't happened how I wanted it too of course" I shrug avoiding all eye contact because I feel that I look at her I might cry.

"How did it happen?" she asks, she clearly has no filter from her brain to her mouth because I would never dream of asking somebody that but at the same time I expect people to be curious, it is extremely rare for a werewolf to not only get pregnant with someone who isn't her mate but also to keep the baby at the expense of her pack

"My best friend, was a boy and well he was going to be the Alpha of our pack. We didn't love each other, we were just friends but we made a mistake but I couldn't let my actions ruin this baby's life by getting rid of it you know? I just decided I'd have to make it on my own" I shrug and before I know it she is wrapping her arms around me to give me a hug

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