Ch. 7: Sting

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$ting- The Neighbourhood

"I try to be someone; I'd like to be someone else. For you."


Walking into the class that day felt like walking in a sauna, but that didn't stop my confidence that was adorn to me.

Alice winks at me as she strides towards her seat in English. It took forever to get to this class. Now I am a nervous wreck, and I want to vomit vigorously on this floor. Why am I doing this again?

I had to talk to Mr. Davidson today about my detention, and how I had to reschedule it because of my job, so instead I'd have to serve it next Monday. As soon as the bell rings, Jake hits through the door.

"Cutting it close, don't you think Mr. Dennings." Mr. Davidson scolds with mere annoyance creeping through his voice.

"Sorry, sir. Won't let my bladder get out of the way again." Jake says sarcastically.

Mr. Davidson rolls his eyes. He turns towards the boards and starts writing our lessons down.

Jake sits down next to me, without even a glance towards my direction. My fingers tap along our conjoined table, my body I standing up straighter than usual.

"Hey." I hear one of the boys who sits behind me speak. I ignore him. I don't have time for stupid Jeffery, or whatever his name is. "Hey," He raises his voice slightly, but only somewhat so Mr. Davidson doesn't hear.

"What?" I snap and look behind me, and see the middle one who I assume is Jeffery smiles wickedly.

"You look really hot today."

I don't say anything, but roll my eyes and turn back around.

"What the fuck are you even wearing?" I soon hear Jake say out loud.

My eyes widen at his volume of voice as he seems nonchalant about it. "What do you mean? I'm wearing a dress." Maybe this'll work after all since he seemed to notice.

"You look like you're wearing a table cloth."

I furrow my eyes at him, and look down again at what I'm wearing." It's not that short."

"Sweetheart." His words are supposed to be endearing, but the tone of his sounds like chalk scraping down on the board, "Your boobs are practically spilling out of your top. Is that a polka dot bra I see?" He smirks at me, but all I can feel is his rudeness.

"I thought you would like this. Every girl you screw around with wears actual rags," I respond coyly.

"But you're not one of them."

"Oh, you need that ice for that burn!" Jeffery butts in along with his tweedle dee and tweedle dumb.

"Shut the fuck up Jeffery, no ones talking to you."

"I never said I was one of them," I say to Jake.

"And you'll never be." He says harshly. "Oh come on Dawn. Don't you think I know about your little fascination with me? It was one dance, and you acting as clingy as any virgin. Oh, wait? You are one." He chuckles. "Look. Do yourself a favor, and stop caring on what I think. Who cares if I don't think you are hot. Who fucking cares. So if this is some way to show that you are pretty or so some shit, do us all a favor and stop making yourself look like a fool."

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