Ch. 10: Idfc

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Idfc- Blackbear

"Because I have hella, feelings for you."


We pull up to my house after I tell him my address in very awkward silence during the car ride.  "This is where you live?" He asks in almost awe. We both climb out of the car, while he absently stares at my house.

I nod while mumbling." Yup."

He seems to break out of concentration and looks at me with a blank stare. I lead the way to my front door and unlock it with a little struggle. I'm terrible with keys.

I put my keys on the counter. "Do you want anything to drink?" I ask politely.

"No." He answers while closing the front door behind us.

"We can work in the kitchen or the living room. Anywhere really." Except for my room. I leave that statement out of my mouth because I feel it'll only sound awkward. "Let me just get my laptop." I head upstairs to my bedroom to find my laptop flat on the bed.

I grab it and turn around to see Jake standing right behind me. His proximity makes me squirm under his stare. The smell of him was intoxicating. The heat in my room somehow turns up one hundred degrees. I must have bad hearing if I really couldn't hear him there. He backs up half a step to give us some room. "Can we work in here?" He asks me.

Say no. Say no. Say no no no no. "Sure."

He sits at the end of my bed, and I sit next to him hesitantly. I open up my laptop; opening up a tab to the website Mr. Davidson said to go to for our directions, "So um... Did you read Twelfth Night?"

He practically snorts at me. "No. Sparked note it a bit." I grimace at him. He sees that, and clears his throat, "Did you?"


He scoffs while muttering. "Typical."

I furrow my brows. "What's so typical on finishing a book that we were supposed to finish?"

"No need to get defensive."

I roll my eyes. "No need to be an ass to me for no reason," I mumble under my breath.


"Oh, nothing." I try to hide the smirk that wants to form from my face, as I feel sly about what I just said.

He sighs heavily and grabs my laptop out of my hands. I almost protest. "I do half, and you do the rest. We don't have to work on it together for two days, just today, and you can do it by yourself tomorrow."

"Oh... I thought you were going to work on it with me tomorrow too." I say quietly. Why was I so upset by this proposal?

"It just shows in our interactions that we can't stand to be in the same room together without me offending you, and you calling me an ass." He shrugs. "It's better like this anyways."

His words told the truth. He'd say something that was rude; my feelings would be hurt. He'd say sorry, and I would swoon. It was a cycle that we needed to break if we were ever to finish this project. "Fair enough," I say.

He types on my laptop and starts with his part of the project in my files. His fingers seem intriguing, as his long fingers typed away. His fingernails were finely none existent. They seem to be long in length, and slightly thicker than usual hands. I wanted his hands all over me. Wait... There were small tattoos all around his hands and wrist that you can quickly look over because of how natural it seems on him. There was; however, cuts on his hands, complete with bruising all around his knuckles.

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