Ch. 18: Fall In Love

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Fall In Love- Phantogram

"Love, it cut a hole into your eyes, You couldn't see, you were the car I crashed now you're barely alive."


I found myself in front of my house twenty minutes later. I should of just let Jake give me a ride, those buses smelt like ass. I walk up to the steps of my bedroom. I wonder if Jake's almost here yet? My question is answered once I see him in my bedroom already, looking through one of my baby picture books that's under my bed. How did he get in?

"Hey!" I yell at him. I drop my bags and head straight towards him. "What do you think you're doing?" I tackle him, and for the first time, I hear him laugh genuinely.

"Get off." He's still trying to look at the pictures, as I'm on his back trying to grab them from him. "Awww look! It's baby Dawn trying to eat a dirty diaper."

By this point, he's practically giving me a piggyback ride. This isn't working. I stop moving, and I see him smile ear to ear as he looks through my book.

Physically I couldn't get the book...

My arms were wrapped around his shoulders making him closer to me as I hovered over his shoulder. My baby pictures were beyond embarrassing, and I did not like looking at them one bit.

Lightly I move my head forward until I reach his ear. I gasp for effect and gently lick the edge of his ear. I hear his mouth grunt, and he immediately drops my book on the floor. I bite his earlobe lightly between my teeth, letting it release.

He turns around under my grasp, looking at me dead in the eyes through his glasses. "What are you doing?" His breath is gasping out.

I honestly didn't know, everything was automatic with him, and I didn't know why I never questioned it either. I shrug my shoulders nonchalantly and connect our lips. We are both on our knees on my bed, as we sway together. Our mouths start to nip at each other, teasing our tongues at one another. His large hands grasp lightly at my butt.

I pull off the flannel that adorns to him off, following his glasses that tumble to the floor. His eyes will be closed most of the time anyway. He doesn't flinch when I knock them surprisingly off, but pulls me closer to him, making me feel his bulge. Moans tumble out of his mouth when the friction increases between us. I don't know how far we will go today, but I want to pleasure him the way he pleasured me. His hands move up my body until they reach the hem of my t-shirt. I'm a little hesitant with the tiny scar still present on my skin, but it's not big, nor is it dark enough. It could probably pass off as a beauty mark.

He peels off my shirt, and I'm ready to get my hands on his shirt next, as my fingertips reach his, I feel him pull away from me. "Can we turn off the lights?" He asks me breathlessly.

"Yeah, I guess so." I want to see his body entirely since the darkness overshadowed him the last time we were in this situation, but I don't want to sound too desperate. So instead my lips press back into his, distracting him so I can take his off. He pulls back again.

"Can we turn the light off?" He asks again, his voice this time held nervousness that I didn't know why.

"I said yeah..."

"So can we do it now." He moves away from me towards my light.

I furrow my brows. He didn't want me to see him shirtless, but I already have! Just not in the light. I push him back lightly, so he sits down on my bed with wide legs open for me to enter. I sit in front of him, giving him the weirdest look ever.

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