Ch. 55: Drunk In Love

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Drunk In Love - Beyoncé ft: Jay Z

"Why can't I keep my fingers off you, baby? I want you, na na..."


It's 5 o'clock when we leave. Both of our stomachs are full to the brim. But we don't know where to go, and the obvious elephant is in the room from what has happened up until now.

"Do you want me to drop you off at home or-."

"No." I interrupt him. "I don't want to go back to that shit house." I pause. "I want to stay with you."

"That's not how you felt when we left my house in the morning." He answers back.

The air stops moving past my lips. We are now in the car, driving aimlessly around town. I didn't want to go back to that horrid time, and to only think that was only hours ago; it felt like years. So many problems webbed into one another, it was hard to remember the beginning.

"I was scared." I tell him honestly.

"Of what?" He gripes out. His hands tight on the steering wheel. "Of me." He answers for himself.

"No." I say quickly. "I don't know." I shake my head to myself. "I'd- I'd never be afraid of you, but who you are becoming. I don't want you to retort to violence when you are angry. Violence never ends well with you."

"I sure do like the smell of metal from the blood my knuckles and the suffocation."

I widen my eyes and blankly stare at the man driving the car.


"I'm kidding." He laughs.

"It's not funny." I look out the car window. I sigh a pause out, knowing I have to explain myself. "I didn't want to leave you this morning, but I needed to be separated from the situation. I was... experiencing flashbacks of that- that night."

"I understand." He says. "And I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I never meant to hurt you." He looks at me briefly before his eyes go back to the rode. "But you have to tell me instead of running away."

"I know."

"I'm serious, Dawn." He looks at me again. "Don't ever play that shit with me again. In order for this to work I need you to tell me exactly what you want."

"I want you."

"Not earlier."

"I've always wanted you." I look back at him. His eyes glance back to the rode, or so I think because of the sunglasses. I reach over; my finger tips touching his thigh. Usually he's comforting me, and it seems strange how the roles have switched in so many ways.

"I try to be less aggressive." He says.

"That's all I ask-."

"But in these upcoming weeks, you're not going to like who I will become." He interrupts. "I have to get him, Dawn." I know who he is referring to in only a few words. "I don't want you to be around when it happens."

I nod in agreement. "What are you going to do?" I whisper.

"Like I said at Alice's house. I'm going to kill him."


We drove for what felt like forever, but we ended up watching a movie at the theatre. Some romantic family movie about how family is important, most of it Jake and I looked at each other and laughed. His brother was the worse to him. My parents are the worse to me.

Speaking about my parents. My mother called me none stop for the entire movie. Jake took my phone in the middle of it, and texted her; pretending to be me, saying I'm with Jake, and I'm safe. That's all she needed to know. At that time she would probably go hunt me down, but I'm pretty sure she didn't want to be near me as much as I didn't want to be near her. I had no idea where my father was, and in a sense I felt bad for him. He's come so far from his inner demons, only for her to just ruin it. Though I'm not proud of how he reacted in meeting Jake. It was embarrassing and the rudest I've ever seen him be with an individual... aside from me and my mother.

Jake stops by a hotel. This is where I'm guessing we are staying for the night at. I'm not mad, though we could have gone to any motel around here I would be fine by. I have no clothes whatsoever. I've worn these clothes since yesterday, and I feel filthy. All I know is I want a shower.

"Don't we have to be 18 to get a room." I whisper to him as we enter the hotel.

"If there's one annoying thing about you, is you don't know how to whisper." Jake says as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Fake ID?" He empathizes.

Oh. I blush at the thought as to the fact I don't even know when his birthday is. I'm in love with this boy, and I have no idea when his birthday is? "When is your birthday?" I look up to him.

"You're nosy; you'll figure it out eventually." He teases.

"I want to know."

"No." He says shortly as we reach the register.

I try to protest, but he pushes me behind him as he registers for a room.


The room isn't that small, nor is it too big. "I'll figure it out eventually." I mumble to myself and to him.

"That's the plan." He lays back on the bed.

The first thing I do is reach the bathroom. It's beautiful. I use the restroom, wash my hands, and brush my teeth for the night with the free toothbrush and toothpaste. I want to take a shower, but I want to take one with Jake. I feel like I haven't properly touched him in a while. When I enter the bedroom once again, he still lays in the same position. His legs dangle off the bed.

His eyes I assume are closed as his breathing becomes deeper. He's drained, and in fact I've never seen him doze off so fast. "Jake?" I call to him. He doesn't stir. A bright idea pops into my brain. His real ID has his birthday on it. I see his wallet that peeks from his side pocket. I tiptoe to him, peering down at his glasses which in through; his eyes are in fact closed. My hand slowly reaches to his side. My breathing calming because I want this to work.

But of course it doesn't. As soon as I touch Jake's thigh, He grabs my hand and pushes my down on the bed.

His breathing increases, along with his strength around my wrist. As soon as he knows it's me, he releases and lays next to me. "Don't do that." He says grimly.

"I tried calling your name." I say.

"Not loud enough." He breaths heavily.


"Don't be." He turns to me. He holds me by my waist, and pushes me on top of him to I'm straddling him. "Did I hurt you?"


"Don't lie to me." He sits up.

"You didn't. You just made me jump that's all." I cup his cheeks to me so he doesn't look down in solemn. "I should know better."

"You shouldn't have to." He squeezes my waist.

"We're learning together about how we are suppose to be in our relationship." I laugh to him to soften the mood.

"I love you too much to hurt you like that."

My heart always manages to skip a beat when he says I love you. Though I do feel he should say it more often, I can't help but swoon for him.

"You didn't hurt me." I whisper to him, as he tighten his hold on my waist.

"Good." His lips near mine. He kisses me lightly, testing the waters I only assume.

I push forward, causing more pressure between our lips. Our mouths easily open to each other, and our tongues tangle with one another.

Smut Scene-

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