Ch. 59: Family Portrait

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Family Portrait- P!nk

"Momma please stop crying, I can't stand the sound. Your pain is painful and it's tearin' me down. I hear glasses breaking as I sit up in my bed."

TW: abuse/ child abuse

Dawn P.O.V.

Though the words of Jake hurt me in many ways; I knew they were for show. I knew someone was watching.

Weather it was Ledger's goons, JC, or Ledger himself... I knew I had to put on a show. I focused long and hard on all the horrid things Jake had said to me now, and even in the past...

"What I learned about Dawn is she is the biggest bitch in school and has never been fucked properly to make her shut the fuck up."

"What else do you want me to call you then huh? How about I put it simple. A bitch."

"Yeah, I'll just call you by your real name, Denise... Debbie... Dana..." He put his finger under his chin as if he was thinking. "What is it again? It must have slipped my mind?"

"I was buzzed, and I took pity for you. How ridiculous you looked with that chicken shit thing, but you might of taken it the wrong way."

"Oh come on Dawn. You don't think I know about your little fascination with me? It was one dance, and your acting as clingy as any virgin. Oh wait? You are one." He chuckles. "Look. Do yourself a favor, and stop caring on what I think. Who cares if I don't think you are hot. Who fucking cares. So if this is some way to show that you are pretty or some shit. Do us all a favor and stop making yourself look like a fool."

"It met nothing. The kiss. Everything. It meant nothing, and I felt nothing between us, yet a quick make out session gone wrong." His words hurt even more when it comes out of his mouth. "I thought virgins got attached after there first time, not their first kiss-"

"What did you want me to do, Dawn. Whisper sweet nothing to you that I have grown feelings for you!" He yells to me. "Because if that was ever the case, it would be out of pure pity."

"If you really think I did, do you think I would be telling you to get the fuck out?" His face finally raises to my face once again. "It's so sad how you actually thought I thought of you of anything then just a girl to eventually fuck."

The list could go on and on, but I feel if I kept thinking about the bad moments, that I would forget about our good moments. He speeds off after I shut the car door, which is a vast differences; considering usually he waits until I'm inside. I don't think he notices I notice that, but I do.

He can't wait today though. With them watching, they wouldn't understand why he would wait for someone he didn't care about.

My tears still pour, with my hands rubbing under them. I calm myself down once I reach the door, but I know what's to come. My parents.

Everything comes full force, when the memory of the last few days. My father embarrassing me with ridiculing Jake, and my mother's cheating. I still don't have keys, so I try to knock. No answer. I try the door, and it's unlocked surprisingly. The house feels empty; no one lives inside it. It feels like it's been like this for years. I head straight to my bedroom. I hear my mother's cry in her bedroom. I feel my feet carry itself to the door, pressing my ear to it.

To my knowledge she's alone. She deserves to be, but where is my father? I walk to my bedroom; puffy eyes still again to me as I walk to my bed with a soft shut to the door. I collapse on my bed, feeling sleep takeover me as soon as I shut my eyes.

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