Ch. 73: Love of My Life

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Love of My Life- Queen

"You've broken my heart and now you leave me. Love of my life can't you see. Bring it back, bring it back. Don't take it away from me because you don't know what it means to me."

Jake P.O.V.

"Let's go." I lead her to the car with my hand on the low of her back, and I open the car door with the other.

She holds in a laugh, and I look at her questionably, "You've never opened the door for me, that's all." She answers from my immediate stare.

"Yes I have." I answer defensively.

"No you haven't." She smiles.

I don't argue with her because I honestly can't remember the last time I have which means this is the first time.. I shut the door behind her and begin to walk to my side. I see movement, and my eyes linger to Lauren's house. She's there by the window; staring aimlessly at us. I have no know idea how long she's been there but it's quite creepy. My glasses hide my stare down, but I ignore her presence as I get in my car. I start driving towards my house, and I look over to see my lover's eyes closed. She must still be exhausted. I am as well.

She clutches the black box to her tightly, and I can't help but to want to throw the box out of the window. It's just so goddamn embarrassing to me. And it haunts me to this day that she never got them in the first place. How I found out was by mistake. It was right after me and Dawn started sleeping together. It was such an awkward time with Dawn, that I didn't know how to tell her. There was no point at the time either. I was trying to stop whatever was going on between us for both of our sakes with Ledger, but I of course failed.

How I found out was when Dawn was in the restroom one night when I slept over. I saw her homework assignments, and I realized her handwriting was no where near the writing back in junior high. So I thought maybe it's changed? My suspicions grew, and it was confirmed when Alice pulled me aside and told me the truth after school one day.

Lauren's guilt began to grow when she noticed Dawn and I were in the same class together, so she started to worry if I would say something to Dawn about the letters. I didn't because I was honestly embarrassed to think of that time of rejection of my life. I guess while Alice and Lauren were screwing around, it slipped out. Alice had no idea what she talking about because I never told Alice about the letters. Lauren told her I'd understand it.

And to say I wanted to cut the dumb short haired blonde bitch was an understatement. I wanted to end her. I caught her walking down the hall one day and bellowed all sorts of profanity. I have no idea up until this day of what I said, but I was pretty damn passionate about it.

I look over at Dawn. She's so beautiful, even with her pajamas and her hair not done. Her face is bare, and I wish she would keep it that way all the time, but she chooses to wear makeup sometimes. She does look pretty with makeup on I will admit, but her bare face makes her look more innocent and angelic like that it makes me want to keep her safe and hidden from this toxic world. Her eyes open wildly out of no where.

I turn quickly to look out of my windshield, hoping she didn't catch me staring at her sleeping form.

"You alright there?" I ask.

"Do you have any of my letters that my fake myself gave to you?" She asks instead of answering me.


"I want to see what she wrote to you." She looks out the window.

"Glove compartment."

She starts to gawk at my glove compartment. "Why do you keep it in there?" She opens it and out comes the things that have broken me.

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