Ch. 83: Element

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Element- Kendrick Lamar

"If I gotta slap a pussy-ass n****, I'ma make it look sexy. If I gotta go hard on a bitch, I'ma make it look sexy. I pull up, hop out, air out, made it look sexy."


Jake P.O.V.

I can't stand to look at either of them. They've both embarrassed me in front of Martinez's organization, and not to mention how fucking pissed I am at Martinez. Everyone for that matter. Casper too. Why didn't he break up the fight? Alice? She is a lanky girl, but she could of at least tried.

Serena is still on the mat crying, and Alice massages her scalp as she does so. Her lip has stopped bleeding, but there's a clear bump on head. Almost bigger than Dawn's. She looks up to me as she hears my footsteps coming closer and closer.

"Jake-" I put my hand up to her face, as I crouch down eye level.

"If you ever lay a hand on her again I'll never talk to you."

"She started it!"

"I don't give a fuck." My voice harsher than intended. "Don't touch her. Got it?" She nods her head.

I walk away from the two, and Alice calls out, "You know it's both their faults, not just one!"

I walk towards the men that I've come more familiar with through the days of training. Marcus is one of them. The guy seems chill enough, but he's one of Martinez's lackeys. He follows him like a lost puppy, and I hope he won't be for what I'm about to endure upon.

"You alright?" Marcus asks me.

"No, not really. I need your guys help." Two other men are by Marcus. Ones name is Marques and the other Sam. What I'm about to embark will only cause one person in pain in particular. Dawson.

"What's up Dennings?" Marques asks.

Between these three guys, I've grown a liking towards Marques the most. He reminds of someone that I can't put my finger on.

I tell the plan, and I hope that they will help me jump Dawson Peterson. I would do it by myself, but if somehow Dawson yells for help, they'll be there to cover him. Besides a beating is only fun when you have more people around to laugh along with you.

"That's Serena's rapist?" Sam asks.

"Yes, and he's been on my girl as well. I needed an actual excuse, so I'm deciding to do it now." I know Dawn forbade me from ever harming a hair as there's no point of doing it in her eyes, but my anger is swimming through my veins and this will be the only way to release my anger.

I can't touch Ledger for a month and half, and Dawn's father is strictly off limits sadly. This is the last result and I'm fine with that. Especially knowing what I know about Dawson did to Serena. Just the thought of it being possibly truth causes my vision blur.

"When?" Marcus asks.

"Will you three help?" I ask instead of answering, "Or will you go snitch to Martinez?" I sneer.

Marcus roles his eyes, "We both know that the bigger issue is with Dawn." I stay silent, "but yes we will. Right guys?" The other two nod.

"We'll meet at the Pizza Hut down my block. That's where he works, and I have a feeling he's getting the closing shift tonight. Meet there at 9:30pm. I'll send the address."

The three nod, but Marcus out of the three looks behind me. I follow his gaze to see Dawn coming out of the dressing room. Her gym bag swung across her shoulder. Her eyes are redden from angry tears, and she's jittery as ever.

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