Ch. 8: Bad Liar

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Bad Liar- Selena Gomez

"Woah, you're taking a fraction of my mind."


During lunch time I rush into the bathroom. I was prepared. Call me paranoid I don't really care. I threw on a t-shirt over my dress, not even bothering even to attempt to get out of this tight dress. Over the t-shirt, I decided to wear a light sweater. I felt colder than usual; maybe it's the reflection of my heart.

After the hug from Alice, she walked me into the bathroom and with me, but left me astray to her boy toy Casper.

At this point, I was in front of the mirror; looking deep in the depths of my hellish blue eyes, just staring, analyzing every flaw that was on my face. I had some acne scars on my face, but faint concealer tried to cover the harsh loose lines.

Basic. Simply basic.

I gather my hair in my hand, tossing it in a loose bun. The back of my hand smudges away the faint lip gloss I failed to keep on for more than an hour.

Other girls were in the bathroom as well. I kept my distance trying to seem like I'm just checking for pimples, but really I was stalling for the fact I had to face the cafeteria of eyes.

The girl next to me was checking herself out. Bright lipstick complemented her tan skin color. Dark waves cascaded around her body. She touches her lips, applying more lipstick. Her eyes connect with mine in the mirror. A slight smile arose her lips.

"S!" A supposed friend called to her. "You coming, chica?" Her friend was already halfway out the door.

"Coming." Her smile only widens to me in a semi-creepy smile. She winks through the mirror.

The days are just getting weirder and weirder.


I start walking to my babysitting gig right when the bell rang signaling schools ending for the day. Lauren told me at lunch she was meeting up with her soccer friends at the mall. She didn't even bother asking if I'd want to go, then again she could have known my plans on the babysitting matter. Once every other two weeks, I had to babysit these two kids because the parents were out going to marriage counseling. They were going through a rough time since Mrs. Greenly had a miscarriage.

The counseling was for two hours. Then they would go on a date to rekindle their "love." That's where I come in. I fed the kids, helped them with there homework, and put them to bed. The first kid was twelve, and Jonathan was really perverted. He is in the stage of puberty.

The second child was just a complete handful with everything. He had ADHD. Thomas was eight, and all he did was jump on the walls all day.

Sun-bleached my skin, making my skin turn a pink color instead of a tan. I'm pretty sure the girl nicknamed S would have a nice glow...

"Do you need a ride?" I hear a familiar voice say to me as I was walking. I turn around swiftly, to only see Jake in his car staring back at me through his shades. His car was driving as slow as my pace.

After the whole "making up" situation after class, I thought it was going to be simpler, and we wouldn't talk unless the project was at hand. "No thank you," I say, and walk a bit faster. Shouldn't he be in detention?

He drives slow as he tries to be even with my pace. "How many miles is it?"

If I didn't already know who he was, I would think he was a stalker. He's just Jake. A person who likes to be rude and demanding to anyone he crosses paths with. "Four miles," I say only. It was a pretty far walk, and Shannon; who was Mrs. Greenly, has told me time and time that I could always get a ride from her. I always ended up refusing ever since she had a very heated long argument with Dave; which was her husband; over the phone while driving us to her house. You would think they would have enough arguing, but the second time I accepted the free ride, they argued again. I couldn't handle it, so I just walked.

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