Ch. 32: False Alarm

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False Alarm- The Weeknd

"You love her, but you can't deny (she loves)
the truth."


It took me a whole days worth, but I finally did it. I took all of his bandages off, and cleaned all his wounds, next I put clean bandages to cover his fresh cuts whole. They were mostly just on his arms and his chest. There was one long bruise across his stomach, that I peppered with alcohol. I wanted to get his backside, but he's to heavy for me, and I didn't know if it would disrupt his sleep.

After his body was done, I examined his face. I kept ice packets on his black eye, and kept ice cubes to melt on all his bruises all over his body. His eye was cut, and I found myself getting cleaning alcohol once again to clean his wounds. His lips were busted once again. There wasn't much I could do there, but clean the cut, and let it heal on it's own.

I thought I was almost done, until I saw both his knuckles busted and bloodied. Around his hands was old tape along. I unwrapped each hand did the same process as I did to the rest of his body.

That was just Saturday alone. His body still looked terrible, but his bruising was lessening every hour. I put a blanket over half his body, as he was still somehow burning up of heat.

Throughout my time of aiding him, he would mumble to himself. I thought it was because I was waking him, but he stayed asleep.

I laid next to him in bed, not wanting to go home just yet. It was near midnight, and I found myself still staring at him. His pillow still under my head snugly. I wanted to wrap my arms around him, and put my head on his chest, but I was afraid to hurt him in the process. So I kept a distance. I watched as his chest fall and rise in shallow breaths.

I would say he looked peaceful, but his eyebrows furrowed, and sweat appeared on his forehead as if he was in pain.

Cars pasted Jake's house. The blinds above his bed made shine of headlights that would pass. His room was dark and somewhat scary. I made sure I was as close to him as I could be.

My eyes started to fall every second, each reaching to sleep. It was nearing almost one, and I found myself finally taking rest.

When I awoke the next day, Jake wasn't next to me. From my once cracked eyes, they widened open completely.

I heard movement outside his bedroom. I felt very cold, as I stare up at his ceiling. I look at his clock on the wall. It read 11:00am.

He's awake.

I take off his cover, and my feet touch the even colder floor. I walk slowly to his bedroom door. The door cracks open when I push it.

I walk out to his living room. Jake's head drops down. His eyes covered in his glasses once again. His hands playing with his hair. His legs spread apart.

"Hi." My voice is small.

He doesn't move.

He must think I'm crazy, as to how I even got into his house. "Alice let me." I leave out the part that I was getting in regardless if she were to open the door or not.

He still says nothing.

Something's different. Something that is entirely beyond me. His body is still in bad shape, but it's much better then before. I should be mad at him for what he did about the whole still fighting his match even when I begged him not to, or the fact he takes pills to sleep, but it seems it's reverse on who is mad at who.

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