Ch. 54: Sign of the Times

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Sign of the Times- Harry Styles :)

"Just stop your crying, have the time of your life."

TW: rape

My head is reeling. My emotions are high. I'm antsy. I'm everything that I didn't want to be. I think I regret what I said to my mother. I should. I know I should, but I'm angry. How could she still betray me and my father? She knows the risks. If he were to find out- it would be catastrophic. Horrible. He would start drinking again, the pushes, and the punches would come full force.

What has she done?

"Has your words caught up to you yet?" Jake breaks me out of my train of thought.

I shake my head. "I don't feel guilty, if that's what you're asking."

He laughs, but there's no humor. Jake's driving me somewhere, but it's feeling like nowhere at this point because all I keep imaging is that stranger opening that door. "I'm not saying what your mom did was okay. That's fucked up in a whole other level. I mean, it's in your own house. Where's your dad at?" He pauses briefly, "You will hate yourself when you realize what you said to her. How disgusting you talked to her."

"She's the disgusting one." I groan out. Even if he is right, he should be on my side. "I don't even know why your defending her. You hate her."

"No I'm not, and I don't necessarily hate her. I hate that she screwed you over. Made you all fucked up in the head, but at the same time I have to thank her."

"Why?" I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because if you weren't so fucked up, we wouldn't be able to connect as much as we do. I just wish your dad wasn't such a psycho."

"Key word is was. That's in the past." Or I hope so.

There's more silence that comes. And soon, I realize where we're headed. Alice's house. I'm regretting looking at her right now. Considering all that has happened with Casper and her.

"Don't you think we'll intrude, it's thanksgiving today after all." My brain almost forgetting the fattening holiday.

"Her mom's a flight attendant, and doesn't get back until tomorrow. And her dick of a stepdad is working until 6, so we have time to kill before he gets home."

I nod my head. Anger is still instilled within me. I don't even know why, but I'm mad at Jake as well. Hell, I'm mad at the world.

We pull up to curb, and as much as I want to be alone right now; I don't flinch away when Jake holds my hand this time. He looks down at our hands, and I can feel him properly breathe for the first time. We walk down her pathway of the door. Jake knocks.

Andrew opens it. He looks the same as I met him. Beanie tucked around his head of hair, sweater around his body, and cookies crumbs around his cheeks and hands.

"Dipshit! I told you not to open the door. It could be a stranger." Alice comes running towards the door, her steps slowing down once she sees me and Jake. "What the fuck are you two doing here?" She leans against the doorframe.

"Happy thanksgiving to you too, cuz." Jake says.

"Hi Jake." Andrew intrudes. His eyes looks at me for a second. "Jake's Dawn." He nods to me.

"Hi Andrew." I say.

"It's now Drew!"

"Alright, Drew." I smile.

"Hey, buddy." Jake address Andrew- er... Drew. He ruffles his beanie, which in return Drew growls but laughs at the same time.

We all four stand there for a good while. Drew still munches on his cookies, slowly, taken in the awkward silence. "Alice, are you still mad at Dawn or Jake. It seems your mad. Yeah your mad." He mumbles the last part to himself.

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