Ch. 71: Death on Two Legs

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Death on Two Legs- Queen

"You're tearing me apart. Death on two legs. You've never had a heart of your own."


"I- I can't explain." Lauren stutters out.

"Well, you better figure it out this very fucking second." I've just come across a box full of letters from Jake. The pages look aged, and the handwriting looks a bit messier than his current handwriting. Some failed drawings of who I assume is me are also present. All these letters are dated back to junior high.

"Dawn, I...." She trails off, not knowing what to say. Her eyes brimming of tears.

"Girls, what's the hold up." Lauren's mom peeks her head into Lauren's room. She takes in my stance and Lauren's redden cheeks. "Oh, uh, is everything okay in here?"

I don't responded, or I'm afraid I'm going to cuss out poor Miss. Contey's daughter.

"We're going to eat breakfast later mom." Lauren only says, to which Lauren's mother quickly exits the room.

Lauren soon sits across from me criss cross on the floor. She looks at the box, and she begins to shake her head. "My biggest regret."

"Why is this address to me?"

"I was meant to give this to you one day. After you were married, or some shit. So you'd be at least already in love with someone else, and you wouldn't be as mad. I mean you're already with Jake. It doesn't matter."

"So this is from Jake. My Jake." She cringes at my title, but I don't care. "Are you obsessed with me or something? Did you want me all to yourself? I can see it now-"

"No! No! I mean, yes, I have thought of you that way but only recently. That's why I distance myself to you this year, but back then... I had develop feelings for Jake Dennings..."


Lauren P.O.V.

I've always been curious about my sexuality. A difference between Alice and I is I know who I am. Though I haven't really told Dawn the truth. That I've been more confused lately is maybe I'm just lesbian? I get off more on girls more than I'd like to admit, the only time I've ever gotten off with a boy genuinely was with is Chad and Jake Dennings. Tenth grade year in the back of his car. He may not remember, considering he just broke up with his bitch ex girlfriend Serena.

It lasted ten minutes, but I came at six. We fucked twice. The first time it was in the library. I was the girl who also was banned along with him. That's exactly why I never go with Dawn when she wants to go in there. I was by my lockers, and I saw Jake there eyeing me like lunch. He still had no clue that I never gave Dawn any of his cringe worthy letters. Let's just say he knew how I felt about him during our 8th grade bonfire. I came onto him, but he denied me vehemently. Stating how can I want to start something with him when he was into Dawn?

I told him she was okay with it. He didn't believe me, and thus him and his ex girlfriend started dating. I was heartbroken, but soon got over it.

Now he stares me and begins to walk up to where I stand. Dawn wasn't at school today. She told me she had a doctors appointment.

My breath caught in my throat when he whispered in my ear, "Care to fuck?" He asked. What a gentlemen. Let's just say I said yes and we fucked. I followed him like a lost puppy, and he took me in his. Let's just say I couldn't walk for two hours.

After that, I got over him. Funny right. My weird obsession with Jake Dennings hindered, and I didn't think about him for years until Jake and Dawn got in an argument in the parking lot on the third day of school.

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