unedited 5// mosquito

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Chapter 5:

''Where were you?'' My father asks, doing everything in his power to not lose his self control.

''Playing with Izuna in the field, father.'' I say, making up an excuse on the spot.

He scoffs.

''Funny, I remember asking Izuna if he knew where you were, he said he had no idea.''

A bead of sweat trailed down, but I continued to keep my facade on. ''We were playing hide and seek, father.''

He blinks then grunts. ''You're face is so emotionless, I can't tell if you're lying or not.''

I didn't utter a single word, I merely continued to stay quiet.

He sighs. ''You are dismissed.''

I bow my head and exit the room, trying my hardest not to just run out of there and punch the living hell out of him.

''By the way, your fiancee is here.''

I froze in utter shock, wanting the ground to swallow me up and never return to the surface.


''I will not repeat myself, aren't you dismissed?''

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists.


Um, this is him?

I stared at the boy infront of me, not only is he taller but he stared at me with a cold look.

I simply glared at our height difference.

I couldn't care less about him, but the fact that he's taller than me irks me to the core.

''You're tall.'' I mumbled out, a glare still on my face.

''It's quite normal for a man to be taller than a girl, and plus, I'm older than you by 3 years.''

I clenched my fists.

I hate people being taller than I am, I know that I'm a female and all but--why was my height also affected?

''You look weak.'' He says.

I have never wanted to punch the living hell out of a hyuga this much in my entire life.

''Looks can be deceiving.'' I say with gritted teeth.

''For a child, you seem to know your words.''

''Hey, you're a child too.''

''I am a man!'' He roars out.

My eyes glanced at his place where 'the sun does not shine' and smirked.

''Then you seem to be lacking at some departments.''

With a red face his mouth fell open. ''E-Excuse me!?''

''Who said you had the right to be excused?'' With a smile on my face I placed my hands on my hips before he could retort. ''If you ever need me, I'll be at my room plotting your death, goodbye.''

Before I could walk away, he yelled. ''You can't kill me! there has never been a five year old that could ever harm me!''

''Then I'll be the first.''


I had a frown on my face, my face tired from trying to kill my new enemy but he was nowhere in sight, his speed as fast as light, harming me at places I could've sworn was protected, a blood-sucking monster.

Then it was as if Kami had taken my side when I finally had eye to eye contact with it.

A bead of sweat trickled down my forehead as I readied my attack stance.

Then it moved, that was my cue.

''Die you damned mosquito!!'' the feeling of it being crushed by my palms gave me sense of achievement.

The door to my room opened, and in crawled a baby Izuna-well If you can still consider a three year old a baby, then in crawled baby Izuna.

''Sistah? what's wong?''

I sighed, ready to answer him, but then I saw something that made my world stop.

Another damned mosquito on Izuna's shoulder.

Let's just say I ended up hiding Izuna's unconscious body in my closet for the rest of the night.

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