Eric Green

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Dedicated to my friend Adrianne - she's a great writer so check out her stories!!

At lunch that day the cafeteria was buzzing with rumors about our new teacher. As me, Kate and Amy passed each table we heard all the girls discussing him. Most of them seemed to have the hots for him too, so I knew I would have to work extra hard to win his love. We sat down at our lunch table with a couple of other people we were friends with - Damien, Lisa, Sam and Lydia.

" I don't know what all the fuss is about." Sam said, starting to eat the chips he had brought from home. Wise choice. I tried eating the ones I got from the cafeteria but they tasted stale with not much flavour. I went for the apple instead.

Kate raised her eyebrows. " Are you serious Sam? Have you even seen the guy?"

Lisa looked at me, Amy and Kate. " And you guys have?" she asked. " None of your morning classes are around that area."

I gave them all a mischevious smile. " Maybe." I said cheekily.

Amy gave me a glance. " You guys should have seen her! We have a major flirt on our hands,"

Lydia put her face into her palms. " No!" she groaned. " We already have enough of them, thanks to our bimbo cheerleaders!"

Amy cleared her throaght. " Excuse me?"

Amy had just started cheerleading and was loving it. Sure, she was already sick of the girly girls, but apart from that she was enjoying it.

" Sorry," Lydia said, un-apologetically.

" Anyway, back to the other subject." I said, wanting to get more info on my teacher. " Does anybody know his name?"

" I don't know," Damien said. " Maybe Mr. Yummilichius? Mr. Hottie? Mr-"

" His name is Eric Green." Lisa said, interupting him. " He wants us to just call him Eric though,"

I died. His first name? That made him seem so much younger and less of a teacher. I couldn't believe I was falling for my teacher, but I didn't care. He was all the things I liked in a guy and I think half of the school would agree with me. He wouldn't be into the blonde cheerleaders, that's for sure.

" Does anybody know if he's single?" I asked. The boys turned to look at me their eyebrows raised.

" So not cool," Sam said. " It doesn't matter if he's single or not, there is no way you will be allowed to hook up with your teacher. Do you want to be expelled and put Mr. Hottie's job in jepordy?"

I shook my head. " It won't be like that." I said. " Just a little fun is okay, isn't it?" I asked innocently.

Suddenly the bell rung. I looked down at my food. I had hardly eaten anything - I was talking about my teacher too much. I stood up to dump my tray.

" Keep out of trouble," Damien said to me.

I nodded. " Whatever. Why do you care anyway?"

Lydia who was also his girlfriend turned to him, raising her eyebrows. " Yeah, how come you aren't telling me to be careful?"

He just shrugged. " I know what you're capable Georgia. I'm worried." he said. He turned to Lydia.

" And besides. You have me, so why would you be into your twenty-something year old teacher?"

Lydia sighed and Kate and Amy walked with me to dump our trays. " Is it our English next?" I asked them both hopefully.

Kate laughed. " Thinking about your teacher too much has messed with your head,"

Amy nodded. " Agreed,"

I ignored them and we walked to English together. I was itching to run but I knew Amy and Kate wouldn't run with me and I didn't want to enter alone looking like some random kid that no one knew. I wanted to give Eric the impression that I was known and loved by plenty of people. I tried to remember who else was in my class to see who my competition was but no one came to mind so I breathed in relief. Once we got to english, I walked in with Amy and Kate. Eric wasn't there yet, but someone else was. Samantha, the head cheerleader and the blondest one of them all.

I glared at her. " What are you doing here?" I asked.

She looked up from inspecting her nails. " I decided that my original schedule didn't work for me, so I decided to try English after lunch. And why do you care?"

I rolled my eyes. " Seriously. You already have a bofriend," Kate nudged me as a warning to shut it.

" I can do whatever I want!" Samantha exclaimed, giving me a smirk then looked me up and down.

" And besides, if you think you have a chance with Eric, think again. Do you ever wonder why you have never had a boyfriend?"

" Hey!" Amy exclaimed. " That's my friend you're talking about,"

" I do have a chance with Eric!" I said to her, annoyed. " I was chatting with him this morning."

I wondered why Samantha was trying not to laugh. Kate started nudging me again, and I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned around and I saw my teacher's amused face.

" Georgia, you can take a seat." he said, getnly pushing me in the direction of an empty chair.

I cringed inwardly. I'm such an idiot.

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