Helping out = More bonding time... But so much for that

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Dedicated to NeonPanda17 because she is an awesome person who I make covers for :) Thanks heaps for being awesome and patient for waiting for every cover I made :)

Hey everyone!! Hope you are enjoying the story so far. Sorry the chapters are so short, but I try to upload a chapter each day if I can. Remember to vote, comment, add me as a fan if you enjoy it!! :) The more votes and comment I get, the more I will probably upload :) Enjoy!

I walked into school the next day with Amy and Kate.

I wished I had English as one of my first classes but I sadly didn't. I think my friends sensed I was dreaming about him, because they gave me a grin.

" You can survive half the day without him." Amy said, laughing. " It's not like you are joined at the hip or anything."

" But... You could always offer to help him out before school starts," Kate said, making me jump up. " Good idea!" I yelled to her. I felt stupid for not thinking it up, especially an idea as simple as that.

Kate laughed " Go on then! We have about ten minutes."

Amy shooed me off and I smiled. They were the two coolest friends I could ask for.

I walked casually to English and saw Eric sitting on the desk, his top unbuttoned at the top, his blonde hair wavy.

" Hi," I said casually, giving him a sexy smile.

He looked up and when he saw me, he grinned. " Hey," he said. " What are you doing here? You're in my class after lunch."

I shrugged. " I wanted to know if you needed any help. I have some spare time." I replied simply.

He gave me a wide smile. " Well It's nice to see someone helping out." he pointed over to the bookcase at the end of the room. " Would you mind putting the books in alphabetical order for me? It would be so much easier."

I nodded and gave him a playful smile. " Sure,"

He chuckled and went back to the folder he was rifling through. I set to work taking to books out.

" So I hear you're throwing a party at your place tomorrow night," I said to him, going through the title of the books.

" Yep," he replied back. " I may be a teacher, but that doesn't mean I'm not a party animal." he said laughing.

I grinned. " It's going to be awesome." I said. " Everyone thinks you're the best teacher." I said, complementing him.

" They better after I have to clean up their mess once the party's over," he said, and I laughed.

Suddenly I heard the door open and I turned around. There stood Samantha in a very really outfit. I grimaced she surely didn't think that Eric would fall for her wearing THAT.

" Hello Samantha," he said, wearily looking at her outfit. I grinned. I knew he'd think she looked like walking candy floss in that.

" Hello, Eric." she said, then noticed me. " What are you doing here?" she asked, crinkling her nose in disgust.

" Helpig out," I said glaring at her. " Not that you would know what that means."

She put her hand on her chest, pretending to look offended. " That's why I came here! To help out Eric."

Eric laughed. " Wow, this is the first school I have heard of that helps out so much!"

I turned to him and gave him a sweet smile. " No it's just me this time,"

" And me," Samantha said, scowling at me. I was surprised of how much of a child she could act like sometimes. A little kid that got everything she wanted.

" Well, you can clean the whiteboard for me then." he said, showing Samantha how to do it.

" I know how to clean a whiteboard!" she snapped. Then she remembered who she was talking to. " But thank you anyway for being so helpful." she said sweetly.

Eric shrugged. " I just wanted to make sure you didn't break any of your precious nails from doing it wrong," he said wih a hint of sarcasm.

I tried hard to muffle my laughs. Samantha turned to me and gave me the evil eye before turning back to Eric.

" I'm sure I won't break them." she said to him before he went back to what he was doing.

I sighed. I hardly got a chance to talk to Eric, but there was always the party.


I walked into my class and saw Kate. " How was it?" she grinned waiting to hear what had happened.

" Good." I replied. " Until Samantha came and decided to help out too,"

Kate rolled her eyes. " Trust her to do that," she said. " Typical Samantha."

Amy came in shortly after and I quickly explained to her what had happened. She groaned but before she could reply the teacher walked in and we had to be quiet.

I sighed and tried to register what he was talking about with fractions and denominators.


I couldn't get out of Math quick enough. I was sick of it and it was my worst subject.

After History and Geography, me Amy and Kate walked to lunch. We met up with our friends and our argument about Eric started again.

" I can't wait till the party tomorrow!" Lydia exclaimed as we sat down.

I nodded enthusiastically. " I know!! AND it's at Eric's house!"

Sam raised his eyebrows. " Good one. As if a teacher would let all his students at his house,"

Lisa laughed. " She's serious!"

Damien sighed. " You're joking me. Samantha is going to drag him into the bedroom, pounce on him and get him and her in trouble."

" Shutup about Samantha already!" I cried even though it was only a little sentence.

Lydia looked at me. " Somebody's a bit touchy on the subject of a certain person," she sing songed in a playful voice. I rolled my eyes.

" Who's going to the party?" Amy asked, changing the subject off Samantha.

They all started up in a chorus of "Me!" or "I am"

I grinned. It was going to be so much fun.

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