Shopping spree

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At the mall, me, Kate and Amy chilled and shopped. I brought so much makeup I knew I would never have to shop for it again. I got a new haircut as well, getting highlights the colour of a lighter shade of my hair.

" You look hawt!" Kate exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

" Seriously, Eric's gonna have a hard time keeping his hands off you." Amy laughed.

I grinned. That was exactly what I wanted to hear.

After going around the shops, I watched Amy and Kate try on clothes after clothes. They found a couple of good finds and deals which they were happy with and I found an awesome yellow tight hugging dress which was really cute. I knew i couldn't wear it to the party but I brought it anyway for the prom. I did find an awesome tight leopard print top with loose sleeves. It was so cool, so I brought it to wear with my highest heels and jeans. I couldn't wait 'til this party. I was going to blow Eric away.

We went to the food court and grabbed a bite to eat, heading for McDonald's.

While eating, we discussed the party. " There's going to be, like, HEAPS of people! Like the whole school!" Kate said.

I grinned. It was going to be the party of the year. " When is it?" I asked.

" This Saturday," Amy said, munching on her chips.

Today was Thursday so I had only two days. I couldn't believe I didn't hear about it sooner. Amy sensed what I was about to say and interrupted me. " It was really quick planning." she said. " Me and Kate only heard about it on Monday."

I nodded. " I forgive you."

Kate laughed. " Whatever. You will love us forever, no matter what." she said. I grinned. I was so lucky to have so many awesome friends.

I sighed and pushed my food back. " I'm so sick of Samantha." I groaned. " She's such an idiot. She has a boyfriend and she still flirts with Eric."

" I don't think her boyfriend would be too pleased if he found out." Amy said thoughtfully. Kate shook her head. " He wouldn't. Jason would kill her."

" I wish there was something to make him know she was flirting with Eric." I said, then shook my head. " Although then Jason would find out, dump her, then she would be single and that would be worse. Stuff that idea." I sighed. Amy shrugged. " Just forget about it. You are way better than her."

I hoped Eric would think that too.


" I'm home!" I called as I walked into the house. My parents and thirteen year old sister greeted me.

" Have you already eaten?" My mum asked. I nodded. " I'm stuffed full."

Mum grinned. " Then you won't be needing any of Jessica's burnt tea attempt."

I laughed and turned to Jessica. " Seriously?"

She stuck out her tongue and nodded. " I nearly burnt down the whole kitchen." she said, not even ashamed.

I sighed and shook my head. " Whenever you are cooking, warn me so I can buy my tea that day,"

" How was school Jessica?" My dad asked her. I didn't need to stick around for this, so I started walking out of the room.

" Nothing except... We have a new teacher who it the hottest thing alive!" Jessica exclaimed.

I froze in my tracks.

" He's super yummy and ALL the girls have a thing for him."  she continued.

I slowly turned around. Mum noticed my face and gave me attention. " What's wrong?" she asked.

I walked up to Jessica. " Trust me, you have no chance with him!" I said, ignoring my mum.

Jessica looked shocked. " And you do?" she asked accusingly.

I sighed. " All I'm saying is, he has more of a chance with someone like me instead of a kid like you who could never have a proper relationship."

" Georgia!" mum said loudly, although she had the faintest smile on her face. " That was not called for. Please apologize to your sister."

I groaned. It was going to be a long night.

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