Notes in the locker

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Dedicated to LittleMissLiaaa because she made me some awesome covers - I cant wait to use them!!! :D

I was sitting in my last class, waiting in anticipation for the bell to ring. I HAD to meet up with Kate and Amy to go shopping later. The thing I love about my two best friends is that we can plan a meet up almost instantly and we all don't have anything else on so we don't have to worry about 'who is taking who' and what time. We just grab the bus and head to wherever.

The bell finally run, and I shot out of my seat. I quickly got my books and thing together, then I went back to my locker. I shoved my things in and saw another note. How did that little thing manage to do that without me looking?! I took a quick look and sighed.

You shouldn't flirt with your teacher. Leave the expert to that.

Definitely Samantha. This note I pocketed, then I snuck my phone out of my pocket and quickly texted my friends asking them if they wanted to come to the mall with me. I also texted mum telling her where I was so she wouldn't get worried. I met up with Amy and Kate in the car park. They noticed my annoyed expression.

" What is bugging you?" Kate asked.

I showed them Samantha's note, holding it at both corners for them.

Amy sighed exasperated. " When the day comes that she becomes nice, pigs will start flying."

We both laughed, and I chucked the note on the ground. I didn't know why I got so annoyed with a little note, I just did. I suppose I didn't want Eric to be caught up in the middle of our flirting wars. He was mine. I saw him first, I was nice to him first. Samatha would never be the girl he wanted.

" So, do you want to hit the mall?" I asked, trying to move my mind away from my hot teacher. This time was our girly time. Our time to have fun with no teachers or boys involved.

Amy nodded. " Sure!"

" Yeah," Kate said. " I wan't to find something incredibly hot to wear to the party."

I stopped and turned to Kate. " Party?" I asked. " What party?"

Amy gasped. " You're kidding me. No one has told you about the party?!"

I shook my head fast. " No"

Amy grabbed my arm. " Well, lets head to the mall and we can fill you in with the details."

We all walked to the bus stop and took the next bus. We found our seats and I looked to both my friends expectantly.

" Okay." Kate nodded. " It's this HUGE party to kick off the start of the season." she explained. " Everyone is going to be there! Music, food, people, It's going to be AWESOME!" she cried, emphasizing the 'awesome' for more effect. A middle aged woman in business clothes glared at us.

I told Kate to tone it down a little. I didn't want anybody complaining about us.

I couldn't wait. It was going to be awesome!

" Um, Kate, you forgot who..." Amy said, trailing off. Kate gave her a confused expression then she knew what she was talking about. Before she could say it, I butted in.

" Wait - where is it being held?" I asked.

Kate twiddled her thumbs. It was a weird habit she did all the time. Sometimes we joke we should have nicknamed her twiddledee as a joke. " I was getting to that," she said. " I don't know how to say this, but the party is being held at a certain person's house called ' Eric Green'."

My mouth must have dropped open about a metre. " What?!" I half whisper shrieked.

Amy shushed me. " He suggested holding it at his house because then he could provide a big house and also keep an eye on everyone," she said.

I couldn't believe it. I was going to a party with Eric! I almost fainted. Well that was an understatement. I pretty much died.

" How big is his house?" I asked quickly.

Amy shrugged. " Pretty big. Not a mansion but definitely not a normal house. It's near the beach with a HUGE balcony." she said.

" How did you hear that?" Kate asked.

Amy shrugged. " Word gets around pretty fast."

I didn't say anything. A party. By the beach. With my hot twenty three year old future boyfriend. Almost too good to be true.

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