Daydreaming in class

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Dedicated to lovesthesummer478 because she voted and commented on my story. Thanks so much!! :D

I was halfway done with Eric's class for that day. At the first part he introduced himself and told us a little about him. I payed some attention but when the actual lesson begun, I started daydreaming.

I tried hard to daydream about normal things, but my mind kept wandering back to Eric. Just his name gave me shivers. I wished he wasn't my teacher so I had more of a chance with him, but if he was my age and was at this school he'd be taken by one of the stupid cheerleaders.

I sat through the rest of the lesson just thinking and daydreaming, twirling my hair around my pinkie finger. I was thinking about stupid things - us stranded on an island together or us being the only people left on earth kinda thing. I couldn't help it. I was madly in love and no one could change that.

" Georgia?" I felt someone's hand on my arm and I jumped. " Sorry," I muttered apologetically as I looked up. Eric was standing there with a worried look on his face.

" The bell rung a couple of minutes ago, and everyone is gone. Are you okay?" he asked, concern etched in his voice.

I stodd up quickly, almost tripping over myself. There was no way I was going to tell him I was daydreaming... About him. I faked a laugh. " I guess I fell asleep,"

He shook his head, smiling. " Are my lectures that boring? And besides. Who sleeps with their eyes open? It looked like you were spacing out."

Crap. I was caught.

" Oh, I think I was doing a little bit of both," I said, admittedly." Sorry."

Eric's hand was still placed gently on my arm. He blushed. He BLUSHED!!

" I know, this might seem strange, but was I distracting you from your work?"

I almost died. Was it that obvious?! I looked at the ground and akwardly shook my head. " Um, no. I-uh- guess I was just a little out of it today."

He nodded them patted me on the back. " Okay. I'll let you pack up your things so you can go." he walked away, and I couldn't help gazing at his backside. I told myself off, and then started gathering my books. That was a close one and I didn't want to get caught again!

A/N: I noticed that Georgia's personality has changed a little from the very first chapter - she started off all flirty and now she's quite shy. Don't worry, haha maybe she is more aware of the consequences if she got caught doing something with her teacher - she still has a major crush on him though!!

I ran to my locker so I wouldn't be late for class. I quickly opened it and chucked my books in, aware that everyone was starting to disapear. I grabbed my books and noticed something flutter to the floor. It was a scrap of paper with something scrawled on it. I bent down and picked it up. I scanned it quickly. Keep your hands off Eric. He's mine.

I growled with anger. I was sick of Samantha. She could get anyone she wanted, but I was certain Eric wouldn't fall for her 'I'm so much older than i really am' look. Then I had a freaky thought. What if he used to be like that? Rich, popular, footbal star... But I shook my head. He was so nice and not stuck up at all - he couldn't be. I crumpled up Samantha's note and chucked it in the bin, then walked to class. I thankfully only had one more after that, so I didn't have long before this day was over.

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