Then it gets ugly

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"You did what?!" Kate and Amy chorused. It was a couple of weeks after me and Eric had sex. I knew they might have suspected something especially that me and Eric were trying to see each other as much as possible, but I don't think they were expecting this. They seemed a bit hurt that I had waited a while to tell them but I just waned it to be my own little secret for a while.

I grinned at them. "I did it, and it was AMAZING."

They looked at me in wonder.

"Details!" Amy cried when it was silent for a moment.

I put my finger to my lips in a secretive way. "No way. I'm not sharing my sex-life with Aou guys. You're lucky I'm even telling you this."

Kate pouted. "Well when did you do it? Was it late under the stars, early enjoying the sunrise-"

"We did it after you were gone." I interrupted.

Amy raised her eyebrows. "You guys just can't keep your hands off each other."

I laughed. "Well if you were in my shoes you would have done just the same."

Amy laughed. "But sadly, I'm not. But that all could change..."

I grinned. "I wish you the best luck."

She rolled her eyes and playfully shoved me.

"Did you use protection?" Kate asked suddenly. I turned to her frozen.

"No." I said quietly. But then I pushed the thought out of my mind. "Anyway, you can't get pregnant your first time."

Amy nodded. "Yeah, that's true." she put her hand on her heart in exaggerated relief. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Kate was starting to get freaked. "But remember when Sophia got pregnant? That was her first time!"

I stop and listen to Kate. "She could be right." I say quietly to Amy.

"I am right! You know what they say," Kate said. "One plus one equals three without protection."

I shrugged. I couldn't be pregnant. I couldn't be.

I shook my head. "I'm not pregnant." I said firmly.

Amy looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well lets find out then."

She stood up with Kate following her.

"What?!" I asked. "I'm NOT buying a pregnancy test."

"Come on," Amy said, tugging me up off my butt. I groaned but obliged and followed them. "I'm not going in though."

Amy shrugged. "We can sort that out when we get there."


Five minutes later I was strapped in Amy's car going to a drug store somewhere away from our district.

"You should have stepped in and done something!" Kate cried. "I don't want my best friend to be pregnant. It ruins your life!"

I shrug. "I'm probably not pregnant, Kate. Don't go worrying about it."

Amy nodded. "I'm as worried as Kate, but you're right. We can't go worrying about it."

We stopped outside a little shop.

"Food n' things. Fun." I said sarcastically as Amy and Kate got out. They waited outside my door for me.

"I'm not getting out." I said. Kate opened the door. "Yes you are. Or we'll leak rumors about you."

I started to slowly get out. "You wouldn't blackmail me." I said. "You're my friend."

"Oh yeah?" she taunted. "Watch me."

So that was how I ended up in isle seven, looking through the personal hygiene section for women.

"Here," Amy called. I walked over to where she and Kate were inspecting pregnancy tests. They chose one for me and I stood back, looking warily at the thing.

We walked to the checkout where a twenty-something year old served us. He saw the pregnancy test and raised his eyebrows at us.

"Who's the lucky lady?" he said in a low, husky voice, giving me the creeps. None of us talked as we paid for it.

"I always though pregnant women were hot," he told us as he packed the test into a bag. "If you ever need a man to look after you in the hard times, I'll fufil you're sexual desires darlings."

I looked at him like he had to be kidding. I grabbed the bag and dashed out wih Kate and Amy on my heels.

"Sick pervert." Amy hissed.

"Ignore him." Kate said, taking the bag as we piled back into her car. I nodded silently and didnt say a word for the rest of the trip. Kate and Amy respected my need for silence and didn't say anything.

By the time we got home, I felt better. I wasn't pregnant and that sick guy was just bored. He didn't mean anything by it.

We walked inside slowly, as if dreading the moment - the silence surrounding us like a blanket.

"Um... Here." Kate said, handing me the test. "We'll wait in your room."

I took it by the corner gingerly and walked slowly into the bathroom. Might as well just gy it over and done with.

Closing and locking the door of the bathroom, I looked over the instructions and read them under my breath, as if my own voice would soothe me.

It seemed quite simple - just hold the test in a stream of urine. Even though I thought it was completely sick - what choice could I have?

I took the test even though my hands had started shaking. I waited for a bit then checked the test, and quickly washed my hands.

I walked out of the bathroom slowly with the test. Amy and Kate saw me from the bedroom and rushed over.

"What's the result?"

I took a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered, so quiet that I was amazed that they heard. They instantly rushed over to me, giving me a huge hug. I dropped the pregnancy test, lying forgotten on the hallway floor.

"Aw! I'm sorry," Kate said, breaking away but still holding my hand.

"We'll be here for you," Amy said. "Me, Kate, Lisa, Lydia and maybe even Eric."

At the sound of Eric's voice, I burst into tears, my uncontrollable sobs coming out jagged and fast.

Kate and Amy stood there comforting me until the tears subsided.

"It'll be fine. It'll all work out in the end." Amy soothed me.

"What will all work out?" my mums voice echoed through the hall.

I turned and saw her looking at us in confusion. "Is there something going on that I don't know about?"

I quickly wiped my tears away and Kate and Amy stood back a little. My mum noticed the test lying on the floor and before I could get it, she picked it up and inspected it.

She dropped it, her hard gaze settling on me.

"Georgia?" she asked in a scary tone. "Are you pregnant?"

Authors note: O.O poor Georgia!! What do you think will happen between her and her mum?

Thanks for everything - I'm going to try and dedicate my chapters more often now :D

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