Knowing the truth

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I woke up to find a tanned arm slung across my chest. I realized I was in Eric's room... In Eric's bed. What was I thinking last night? Looking beside me I saw Eric pressed against me. How had he managed to get all the way onto my side? I wasn't sure if I should move him off me or enjoy it while it lasted.

Giving up, I sighed and snugged back under the covers.

I heard Eric groaning then, and he coughed.

"Georgia?" he croaked. "What are you doing in my bed?"

I turned to him slowly. "You were drunk and we needed to get you home." I said, avoiding the question which, even I didn't know the answer too. Thankfully he didn't bring it up again and sat up, rubbing his temples.

"I have a killer headache..." he moaned.

"Well that's your problem." I said unsympathetically.

"Can you get me a drink of water?" he asked. "I'm not feeling too good."

"Well that's a hangover for you." I replied. "Can't you get your own drink?"

"No..." he moaned before stumbling out of the bed and into the bathroom.

Hearing the sound of Eric emptying out his stomach, I grimaced and wondered if I should help or escape.

Finally after hearing the disgusting sound of Eric spewing, I finally took pity on him and went into the bathroom to help him.

The smell hitting my nose instantly, I tried not to gag before I sprayed the air freshner I found on the windowsill around the room. The 'fresh and breezy' rainforest scent dampened the smell of vomit, and when it finally smelled okay, I went over to Eric who had stopped, even though he was still in his spewing position.

Rubbing circles onto his back as I soothed him, I wondered why I was helping him. What did he do for me?

Get me pregnant, yell in my face and don't even act sorry.

I almost stopped and walked it as I thought this, but maybe if I helped him he'd appreciate me more.

Finally Hoping he was done, he pushed himself slowly up, falling into my arms.

"Have a shower," I urged him. "It will make you feel better."

He just nodded and I went out, hearing him lock the door then the shower running.

Sitting back in his bed, I closed y eyes and I must have fallen asleep because when I opened them, Eric was of of the shower and rifling through his clothes, only wearing a towel wrapped around his waist.

Staring at his warmly tanned back, I studied the way the muscles moved and his broad shoulders which I couldnt stop looking at.

"I know you're looking at me." I could practically see him smirking.

"I wasn't..."

"I have a mirror, darling."

I noticed the mirror then and did see his smirk then. I just glared and pulled my gaze away from his. He had been disloyal to me, remember? It was a shame he was so darn hot...

"Why are you here?" I heard Eric ask suddenly.

"Like I said, you were dr-"

"No." he interrupted. "Why are you here? I've been completely cruel to you and you start a thing with one of my best friends, yet you sleep in my bed and look after me."

"Um..." I muttered, trying to think of a witty answer.

"We aren't together." Bradley suddenly said, appearing at Eric's door. "I did it because you were so hung up on her and you didn't know how to say sorry."

"So you dated her?" Eric asked, looking at Bradley with his eyebrows raised.

"So you got jelous!" he said as if it was obvious.

I sat there, twiddling my thumbs while Eric looked from Bradley to me.

"Is it true?" he asked. "Did you agree to date Bradley so I would get jelous and... Like you again?"

I shrugged. "S'pose so." then I looked up at him. "But that's it. You don't need to date me or anything. We can just be friends."

"Oh, Georgia." he said before coming over and hugging me. "I've missed you."

I hugged back tightly. "I've missed you too."

Then I whispered in his ear "And did you know you sleeptalk?"

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