Warning, you might cry

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I felt my legs wobble as I slowly made my way up the path - still wondering if I should back out now. Knowing Eric, he wouldn't want a child weighing him down. Or a seventeen year old student either.

I was scared I was going to fall down - I was so scared that he was going to turn me down. Making my way to the front door, I stood there, trying to regain my confidence.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door. I waited for a moment before turning to go - he was probably out.

Then I heard the door open and I thought my heart would stop.

"Georgia!" I heard him say happily. All confidence came back when I heard his voice. He would take me back. With the baby.

I turned around and ran into his arms, not caring if my friends were watching or not. He instantly went for my mouth, kissing me hard like there was no tomorrow.

Running my hands through his hair, I kissed him back, our mouths moving and fitting perfectly together.

I tried not to let the doubts fill my mind if he didn't take me back, but it was no use. I was worrying majorly and he must have noticed because he pulled back and looked at me carefully, but not before his eyes wandered to my chest then back up. "Are you okay Georgia?" he asked with concern etched in his voice. "If it was about when we - you know-"

"No, it's not." I assured him, then thought again. "Well it kind of is." I admitted.

He looked worried now. "If you wanted me to go slower I could have-"

I shook my head furiously, making him stop talking. I sighed warily and ran my hands through my messy hair.

"Well," I started, unsure of how to tell him - then justt decided to go for it. "I'm pregnant."

He froze and stated at me emotionless. Not a good sign.

"I'm sorry!" I cried to his unmoving face to fill the silence. "I didn't mean to-"

"You cheated on me?" he asked harshly, making me flinch. I had a feeling that Eric had the power to make anyone scared.

"No!" I cried, then lowered my voice. "The baby is yours."

"What?!" he thundered. I stepped back, probably showing that I was scared which made Eric soften. But only slightly. "I thought you were on the pill!"

"What?!" I yelled. "It was my first time, I thought I didn't need to use it!"

He shook his head like he had expected more from me. "That's pathetic, Georgia. Don't believe everyhing you hear."

The coldness in his voice made my eyes start to water. "I'm sorry okay?" I said, my voice wavering. "I thought you liked me enough to at least be happy that we're having a baby together."

He sighed, his hands going white from clenching so hard. "Look, it was just a fling! Nothing more, just a little naughty fun between a teacher and student." he said loudly in my face. "It was nothing emotional! If you hadn't been such a cow to think about me too and used the pill we wouldn't have to be in this mess!"

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I wiped them furiously with the back of my palm. "What about me?!" I screamed, not caring if we were in the middle of a family neighborhood. "I'm the one who gets stuck wih this baby!"

His eyes widened. "No. No way!" he roared. "You are getting rid of that baby! Getting rid of the frigging evidence that what we did was against the law!"

I was shocked. "I can't believe you! I'm not getting rid of my firstborn baby because you want to keep looking like the perfect teacher. And," I continued. "What we did was your fault as much as mine! It takes two to tango, buddy!"

He shook his head. "Shut up and get out of my sight. I dont want to ever see you or that baby ever agin. Get rid of it, I don't care. Just go. And if you ever try to claim that I'm the father, I'm going to make you look like some lovesick stalker. I mean, why would they think that you could ever be with me!"

I was done here.

Turning around quickly on my heel I stormed back to the car, tears rolling down my cheeks. I had been hopeful this whole time. Eric was supposed to be the adult, yet he led me on to thinking we were the perfect couple meant to be together.

I hopped into the car, slamming the door harder than I should have, but they didn't say anything. Speeding off, I wondered why I ever fell for him. He had seemed so nice in the beginning.

"Are you okay?" Amy asked concerned.

I shook my head and snapped at her "Do I look okay?!"

She shook her head and Kate gave me a sympathetic hug. "He's not worth crying over. Seriously, you and Amy can stay the night with me. I think we all are in need of some fun."

I nodded, staying silent for the rest of the trip. He was right. I was a stupid cow for not taking the pill. If I had, I wouldn't be in this mess. But then I would still think of Eric as a charming good looking guy.

"Don't worry." Amy said. Sensing I was thinking about him. "I'm going back to your place to grab some of your things. Just stay here."

I nodded again, acting like some mute person. I still couldn't believe I fell for that idiot.

A/N: bet you weren't expecting that! Ha, I do like a good surprise. Now don't worry this definitely isn't the end there is plenty more to write! What did you think of that unexpected twist? Don't worry It gets much better for Georgia! She is so lucky to have two special best friends :)

I can't wait because I really want to write a second book to this series - it will be about either Kate or Amy and lets say my idea for the next book are endless. I'm thinking a tutor, but it isn't the tutor who is the bad one - it's his friend. Whenever the tutor is out of the room his friend goes into flirty mode with either Kate or Amy, what do you think?! Maybe along the lines of sex, drugs and my dads best mate. Awesome story by the way ;). Maybe the third one in the series could be about a new principle at the school and one of the girls could have a little fun there... :P share your ideas in the comments below and please vote!! Thanks you guys :) <3

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