Kicked out

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Dedicated to MandyCassidy - my RL friend who is funny, crazy, awesome and I love high fiving her REAL hard!!!!! XD

"Me?" I asked my mother, stalling for more time. Amy made a nervous giggling noise behind me and I could hear Kate breathing loudly. They both were clearly nervous but not as much as me.

"Yes, you!" she cried shoving the test in my face. "One of you three is pregnant and I want to know who."

"Um..." I struggled. "Would you be angry if it was... Me?"

"GEORGIA!!!" she thundered, her eyes blazing. "I can't believe you would do something as thoughtless as this! You have your whole life ahead of you - graduation, university, do you think you could find a good husband while lugging a baby around?! YOU NEED TO THINK BEFORE YOU DO THESE THINGS!"

I flinched as she yelled in my face, not showing any emotion. I felt like a brick wall that wouldn't move. She was yelling in my face, walking around, yelling some more all the while I stood there frozen, waiting for her to calm down.

"Who's the dad?" she demanded. "Do I know him?"

I remember her seeing Eric one time after school - she had to pick me up and he was waiting with me. Oh crap. I knew she liked him, but I don't think she would after this.

I was silent. She wouldn't drag it out of me - there was no way I was getting Eric into this mess too.

"Georgia!" she shouted. "Tell me!"

When I didn't say anything she pushed past me roughly and went up to Amy and Kate.

"You both must know. I'm Georgia's mother - I have a right for know!" she hissed.

I both have them a pleading cache and they looked at me helplessly. Kate flinched.

"I think that is up to Georgia to tell you." Amy said finally.

I had no idea my mother could get so scary.

She turned around and put her face up to mine. "Tell me Georgia!" she bellowed.

I shook my head, my mouth closed.

"Or," she continued. "I'll kick you out."

I heard Amy give a gasp and I could tell that Kates eyes were widening.

Personally I didn't want to be around my mother when I was pregnant, and I had plenty of friends I could stay with. Eric, Kate, Amy, Lisa, Lydia or even one of the boys.

"Fine." I said, lifting my chin. "Kick me out. It won't matter, I won't tell you."

My mother looked at me and for a moment I saw a flash of regret in her eyes. But not before her face hardened again, and she drew her hand back and slapped me.

The sound of her hand come in contact with my cheek echoed around the room. I heard both of my friends gasp as she glared at me. "I have raised you under this roof, single handedly and this is what I get?! A worthless teenager that sleeps around!"

I had never heard my mother speak like that, and it hurt. I always bought of her a nice and caring mother, but apparently not. I heard Amy and Kate make a noise behind me and I knew they were shocked. I was too, but I didn't show it. I stared my mother in the eye, daring her to go on.

"You're a stupid kid who struts around like she's everything - wearing skimpy clothing to just get sex. You're sick!" she yelled. I felt wounded because this was not true. Just because she found out I'm pregnant gives her this idea that I sleep around? I tried not to let myself cry. Her words stung, like she was giving me emotional scars.

"Get out of my house." she said coldly. "I don't want to look at your face Georgia."

I didn't wait to hear that twice, tearing down the hall and out the front door- Kate and Amy at my heels.

I stopped at their car, waiting for them.

"Woah." Amy finally managed. "Are you okay?"

I felt so blessed to have my friends, I burst into tears for the second time that day.

They both hugged me, saying nice things to me. I was so lucky to be surrounded by friends who cared - I was amazed they still liked me after my phsyco mum's outburst.

"You can stay with one of us." Kate said. "Mum won't mind."

"Mine too. She likes you Georgia." Amy said.

"Thanks you guys." I said, giving them a watery smile. "But I need to talk to someone first."

They both nodded, knowing who I meant.

"We can drive you over to Eric's." Amy said. "We can wait outside his house for you."

I nodded. "You guys don't know how lucky I am to have you."

They both hugged me then we went into the car. I still couldn't believe my mum had kicked me out. What caused her to have that outburst? Didn't she even care that she was getting a grandchild?

I looked outside and saw we were in Eric's neighborhood. I took a deep breath and tried to prepare myself. I don't know what I would do if I made two enemies in one day.

"We're here." Kate said, stopping the car.

I looked outside at his perfect house. I was almost shaking - I was so scared.

"You can do it." Amy encouraged me. "He needs to know."

I nodded silently and slowly got out of the car. I was either walking to my savior or walking to my death.

Ahhh!! I'm freaked out that I actually wrote that - I sounded like a parent!! Probably because I was writing for the parent, but even so.... XD

Wow I don't know what I'd do if I was in poor Georgia's shoes :'( I feel so sorry for her.

I haven't proofread most of this sorry for any mistakes!! :) VOTE COMMENT AND FAN my lovelies!!!

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