Moving in

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A/N: I decided to do another chapter - here it is you guys :)

Me, Kate and Amy walked into her house in silence. I could hear faint crying and I knew her siblings mug have been fighting again, but that was nothing new.

"Hello girls," Kate's mother, Karen (similar names, I know) said.

"Hi Karen." Amy greeted her and I mumbled a 'hi'.

She looked at me and then noticed the bag I was holding. She turned to Kate and saw another bag.

"What's going on here girls?" she asked suspiciously.

"Georgia needs a place to stay at for a while." Kate explained to a confused Karen. It looked like she was baking something, she was wearing her frizzy hair back in a messy bun and the apron she was wearing was dusted with flour, her hands too.

"Why?" Karen asked, her eyes eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Kate looked at me, as if wanting to get permission to what she could say. I gave her a small nod, and she turned back to her mother. "Georgia got kicked out." she said. "Because... Because she's-"

"Pregnant?" her mum finished and we all looked at her.

"How did you know?" Amy asked incredulously.

Karen smiled. "I can just tell. Honey, congratulations!"

Kate looked hopefully at her mum. "Does that mean-"

"Yes of course she can stay!" Karen laughed. "As long as you want."

I grinned. "Thank you!" I cried, instantly tearing up. I was so thankful.

Karen smile. "Anytime honey." she said happily. "I'll leave you to get settled then girls."

We all agreed and went up to Kate's spacious bedroom, huge compared to mine. Even though Kate's mother had to bring up three children on her own (Kate and her five year old twin brothers) she came from a good, wealthy family that happily chipped in, buying them an amazing house without having to share bedrooms.

Kate loved nature, and her room was a soothing mossy color, her walls painted with different shades of green and her roof a bright blue sky. Her wooden bed in the corner was covered in colorful cushions which stood out like wild flowers in a forest. Her carpet was a light brown like earth and soft with a big shaggy rug which was a darker shade of brown. I loved her room, and always looked forward to going to her house because her room was like comparing a leaf to a bright flower - her pretty room compared to mine which was a plain Jane rose color.

We all dumped our stuff on the ground and watched as she pulled her second bed out from underneath her own. Unfolding it expertly, soon there was a second bed, which I put my sleeping bag on.

"Don't use that," Kate scolded, then grabbed a second duvet from her wardrobe which was a bright blue with colorful spots. "Use this."

I thanked her and grabbed it, making my bed. "Thank you so much," I said, tearfully hugging them. "I love you guys heaps."

Amy laughed, squeezing me back. "That's what friends are for."

Kate laughed too. "Put well, Amy."

I grinned and let them go. "Do you guys want to be godmother's?"

They both squealed and grinned. "Yes!" they cried in unison. I laughed I knew they would be excited.

Suddenly Amy's cell phone rang and she shrieked, jumping up in the air. Pulling her cell phone out of her pocket, Amy glanced at it. "Unknown number." she murmured, but it was enough to make my heart start beating so fast I thought I'd have a heart attack. Did Eric want me back after all?!

"Hello?" she said into the phone cautiously. She paused for a moment then replied, "Yes they are, do you want me to put it on speakerphone?" she waited for a moment more then nodded. "Okay. Hold on a tick,"

She put her hand over the receiver. "It's Bradley, Eric's friend - he wants to talk to us."

Me and Kate nodded, making Amy press a button on her phone. "It's on speakerphone." she talked into it.

"Am I now talking to Kate, Georgia and Amy?" I heard Bradley's voice ringing it on the phone.

"Um, y-yeah." I managed. What could he want?

"Okay," he said. "Eric would kill me if I said this, but something needs to be done."

"what do you mean?" Kate asked. I stayed silent.

"Earlier Eric phoned me in a rage, ranting some crap about Georgia being pregnant."

I froze, but tried to calm myself. "Uh, yeah." I mumbled. "That's true."

"Can't keep his hands off you," Bradley said chucking. "He admitted to saying some pretty mean strf to you Georgia." he paused. "He said he didn't regret it though. Apparently what he said, he meant."

At that, I covered my face in my hands. Amy, sensing that I was upset, snapped "Are you trying to make her miserable?!"

"No." he replied. "I'm trying to help you guys. Help Georgia and Eric. I can tell that Eric clearly loves Georgia - did you know that when Eric was nineteen a woman broke his heart and he never had sex and hardly kissed since?"

"Really?" I asked in a low tone.

"Yes." he replied to me. "Eric doesn't know what he's throwing away, and I'm ready to make him see just what he's missing."

"What?" Kate asked. "How?"

I could almost hear him grinning through the phone. "I'm going to date Georgia."

Amy burst out laughing and I stood there shocked. "Are you'd serious?"

"Yep," he said in a cute tone. "Deadly."

I thought about it. "Eric doesn't want me though," I said sadly. "He didn't even regret yelling in my face."

"Cheer up," Bradly said. "Eric can get a bit of a temper when he gets upset and confused. It wasn't because he was angry with you, okay?"

I sighed. "He hates me." I said sadly. "Nothing can change that."

"Look," he says impatiently. "Just trust me. I've known Eric all my life - I know what I'm doing. Just follow my lead and meet me at the nightclub down Warden street on Friday night."

Amy nudged me. "Two things - One: can me and Kate come? And two: We're all underage."

"One, yes and two, I know the owner and I'm sure they'll let me, my girlfriend and their two besties in." he said, emphasizing the word girlfriend. I realized he meant me.

"Oh, um t-that's fine." I managed. What was I getting myself into?

"Okay." he said. "Just try to look your best. Although, you always do princess."

He hung up and I stood there, letting it all sink in. Oh no. It wasn't going to work and I was going to die when Eric refused me for a second time.

Suddenly I felt my insides lurch and I was running for the toilet. Running inside and emptying my insides down the toilet, I felt Kate and Amy come in behind me.

"You okay?" Any asked In a concerned tone.

I nodded. "I am now."

Kate helped me clean up and after five minutes they were done with the sympathetic act and on my back, trying to get me to go to the club with them even thoughts I had already agreed.

They managed to convince me to go there and just have fun, but even so, I was worried. Could I pull it off? Would it even work? I sure hoped so because I was done with acting like a brick wall that got yelled at.

Don't fall for your teacherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon