Uno | A Woman's Worth

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Can we just talk about this picture 😍 he so cute🙄 - G

I sped down the intersection trying to make the event I promised, and whole heartedly wanted to get to but everything and anything was stopping me from reaching what I was supposed to be doing. My ruby lips parted into a yawn and I leaned my head back against the leather seat.

"Don't get us into an accident, they'll understand." I pushed my brown hair from my face, little did I know I needed to be on time.

We pulled up to the venue and I quickly hopped out along with my best friend, Si.

I readjusted my red pantsuit before grabbing my friends hand and moving past the flickering camera's. Kofi's first season was done and we were celebrating, along with the rest of the cast and family members that were rooting for him. Unfortunately I had to come seperately because I had work too.

My appearance hadn't been noticed as I walked in the main hall to the ball room. I stood at the double doors listening in on my boyfriends speech, frowning that I missed the first half of it, I kissed my teeth. A sound caught my attention and I adverted my eyes from the stage and looked over. His mother, motioned me over and i quickly made my way to my seat right next to her. I did my greetings around the table before my attention went back to my man.

"Last but surely not least, My girlfriend Azusa has been a ride from the jump, im not the type to go around sharing my feeling to everyone but my love runs deep and to you I am grateful for those sleepless nights where you helped me understand many things. The times where I felt like giving up and you held us both up while doing your thing. Letting me get to know you more than you know yourself, I love you."

My eyes watered as we made eye contact for the first time that night, I mouthed an 'I love you' his dimples smile showed before he said his good nights and exited the stage. Everyone was free to socialize now, but I was more concerned to get to Kofi.

"Baby, I'm so proud of you." My hands rubbed the sides of his face as his arms wrapped around my waist. My lips met his a few times before we fully pulled away. I frowned again and he questioned it.

"I'm sorry, I was late and I didn't get to hear the first part f your speech, I hope you recorded it." I worried and he squeezed my hand pulling me closer to the exit. Once we were away from everyone he brought me closer.

"you look good in this tonight." I looked down at my attire and blushed, "thank you baby." His strong hand clapped my ass and I squealed in excitement quickly looking behind me to see if anyone seen. "Oh my god!" I laughed grabbing his hand pulling him back into the ball room. I pecked his lips one more time before sending him off.

"So you think you could forget a nigga like me?" A cold hand grabbed my shoulder and sent chills down my spine as I whipped around quickly.

"Deon? What are you doing here?" I put my question on the table but he just smirked at me, I looked closer and shook my head, he was high.

"Did you tell your man? I mean I think he should know that you've been seeing me on the DL." He smiled and my face was just as confused as it was earlier.

"D, we ended it two years ago dude." His face went from devious to angry all in under a minute as I told him off.

"Excuse me! Excuse me everyone!" He chuckled and my eyes widened.

"Did you know this woman right here was carrying my child?" He chuckled a bit before continuing as I stood there shocked and frozen.

"She killed it of course, and left me High and dry to be with this burnt nigga! She left me a week after I found out she was cheating on me." My eyes locked with Kofi and I could see the anger present on his face as he whispered something to security. My eyes then adverted to everyone in the room who had their judging eyes on me. Tears welled in my eyes as they carried my ex out of the venue.

As soon as I knew he wasn't out there I quickly made my exit too, it was too many people that had their attention set on me including Kofi. Of course none of that was true.

Deon and I were expecting a child, a boy to be exact but later on in my third trimester I miscarried and it left both of us devastated. Deon however took it one way while I took it another. He started stepping out on me and then when confronted about it he would hit me. It didn't take long for me to eject myself from the situation and get my own living while grieving myself.

That was when I met Kofi, I had found a way to busy myself with photography, and when it was my chance to shoot for a show I took it and on set we instantly clicked, sure we didn't get together right away because I felt that I needed to love myself first but he did nothing else but wait until the right time.

Kofi knew all of this so it wasn't like I needed to state my side of the story opposed to Deon, I just felt embarrassed that he would show up to the important event and air out his version of our old dirty laundry.

"Are you okay, love?" His mother made her presence known by knocking on the bathroom door. I wiped my eyes quickly but more of the salty tears came down my face.

"I can be okay, right?" I asked leaning against the bathroom sink and she came in shutting the door behind her.

"Sweetheart only you know." She chuckled inwardly and I smiled weakly.

"Is it true honey?" Her hand had touched my back and I shook my head. "I had a miscarriage and he was abusive, I couldn't take it so I left." I bitterly chuckled at the short story shaking my head and looking into the mirror.

"I wouldn't kill my child, ma." I sniffled, we sat in silence and I figured she had been taking in everything.

"You know, Kofi loves you so much. Do you know how excited he was to bring you to see me! He hadn't had a girlfriend before so I was skeptical but when I met you." She endearingly laughed to herself before continuing, "when I met you I fell in love with you too, I couldn't have imagined someone for my son but you were and are on a whole other level, so I say this here, are you going to let this get to you or are you going to go back out there hold your head up for your man and for yourself?" I turned to her before smiling and bringing her into a tight hug and she helped me clean up and we made our way out of the bathroom.

On our way back to the ballroom we bumped into Kofi and his brothers, his mother and her other two boys excused themselves and we watched them until they disappeared back into the ballroom.

"I was looking for you, I thought you left." A sigh escaped his lips and I looked up at him staring at him for a while before closing in the space between us by connecting our lips. A few pecks later I had a very present smile on my face and so did he.

"I'm sorry for all of this. Clearly I misjudged him, your event is probably ruin-" he halted my words and pulled me close to him.

"It's not ruined, you're still here aren't you? Even though we need to talk when we get home our night isn't ruined. Kim is wrapping it up though so we can leave."

"Kofi, you're a blessing." I looked up at him lovingly and kissed his sweet spot.

"Oh my god, you're so lucky mama and then are staying at the house." I erupted in a fit of giggles.

"I'll be quiet if you stay quiet." I smirked walking off swaying my hips a little more than usual.

The end.

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