Once | Transparency.

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In my many attempts to finish an imagine for you all it has been hard...I have writers block for some reason and tons of unfinished drafts for this book.

"Alana, if he were to even look my way I'd faint." Yn commented, she sat whispering with her co worker Alana. They were currently taking a quick lunch at the plaza and luckily the man was too.

He had worked with them in the same office just on different levels, there was rumors around that he'd be joining them in a couple and all of the women were quite "excited".

Alana rolled her eyes, "What? you know Kofi would not go for all of that." Yn sighed, Kofi Siriboe was the boss, the owner, CEO of the company. Kofi and Yn had been seeing each other for the past few months, they only one who knew was Alana.

It felt like a fairy tale, almost. It's like he swept her off of her feet and would not let her back down she would try so hard not to ruin it and live in the moment but still weighing on the back of her mind was Kofi not claiming her like he said he would. "Soon enough." He would always say which the last time they talked ended in an argument.

That was Thursday and today was Monday, back from a four day weekend.

"Girl here he come." Alana giggled trying to seem normal and like they weren't just talking about him.

"Hello ladies." His smooth alluring voice brought their attention to him.

"Hello." They spoke in unison staring up at the brown skinned man, who looked as if he'd been dipped in gold.

"Do you mint if I sit here, I've seen you both on D block and you're very beautiful." Normally this would bring Yn closer in but it was just making her pull away.

It sounded cheap, not that he wasn't fine and he could probably talk both f their panties off but it wasn't interesting her.

After lunch and then holding a rather "interesting" conversation the trio headed back to the office.

"I'll see you girl, I have to hurry to this meeting

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"I'll see you girl, I have to hurry to this meeting." Once they stepped foot in the office Alana was already heading the opposite of where they were going, so she could go to the meeting rooms.

"I forgot to tell you how delicious you looked this afternoon." Jarvis whispered lowly in Yn's ear causing her to blush and giggle a little, he was crossing an unsaid boundary but at this moment she didn't care.

The elevator made a noise before the doors opened to the one and only Mr. Siriboe himself.

Yn our space in between the two before stepping on the elevator after Jarvis.

The elevator ride up to the seventh floor was eerily quiet, "I'll see you soon, Yn." Jarvis winked before stepping off of the elevator leaving it only to Kofi and Yn.

"My office." Kofi growled, she kissed her teeth and whipped her head back.

"Unless you're going to fire me, I'm not coming to your office." She gave back attitude folding her arms, she sure would love to be off of this elevator now.

A hard slap connected with her right ass cheek making her gasp and turn around quickly.

"Stop picking me up and dropping me, it's hurting me!" She finally gritted, it felt like a relief to finally get that off of her chest to him.

It got to the top floor and she stepped off before Kofi and stormed away before he could say anything else.


"We haven't had a meeting in a week, why were you running off to the rooms?" Yn questioned suspiciously looking over at Alana.

"No reason, calm down. What happened with you and Kofi, you got that look."

"He had the nerve to command me to his office and then when I refused he slapped my ass." She bust out laughing and wiggles her eyes.

"I don't know why you trppin' you liked it, you be living when he gets aggressive with you." Although it was true, I wanted to be tough when it came to him.

"Girl bye, I have to deliver these papers, wish me luck." Yn sighed before making her way to his office.

Without knocking she stepped into his office on something she'd wish she hadn't seen.

Kofi and the dark skinned woman pulled away from each other and looked to a stunned Yn.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know the door wasn't locked." The woman apologized before steeping closet to Yn.

"Hello, I'm Journey Siriboe."


Cliff hanger 😭
I'm already working on part two don't worry.

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