Quatro| Mother's Day.

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This was too cute and I enjoyed writing it, ❤️don't forget to comment&vote when you're finished. - G

Today was like any other day, or so mostly felt like it because my husband wasn't here because he was currently doing promo and interviews for himself. Normally I wouldn't complain but today was Mother's Day and I felt like I should have been appreciated for once, Not that my man didn't make me feel like that almost every night but you get it.

"Mama!" Our eldest daughter, Nima called. I heard the potter patter of her feet before she appeared in the doorway with her little sister standing next to her.

"Yes sweetheart?" I smiled ushering them to make their way over to the bed. "Happy Mother's Day!" She giggled wrapping her tiny arms around my neck and the Aminata following suit right after her sister.

"We have a surprise for you!" Thefive year old jumped from the bed and made her best effort to pull me along with her, I grabbed my toddler up from the bed and grabbed the child's hand before allowing her to lead me downstairs.

Where we were met with a beautiful foyer full of flowers and as we made our way into the kitchen, a table full of food with on hand people to cater to what we needed. As if in cue and just the person I was looking for called.

"Hey honey!" I spoke into the phone not being able to wile the smile off my face as I set the girls down at the table.

"Happy Mother's Day. Did you find my surprise?" His smooth voice played through the phone and I nodded subconsciously stepping back into the foyer. "Yes. I love it." The doorbell pulled my attention away from the phone as I went to answer it.

"You flew our mamas out!" As of the morning couldn't get any more surprising I opened the door to two of my favorite people. I never understood why the didn't love with us already but I was glad they were here.

"You always keep me on my toes, baby." I smirked and sighed looking around at what her head done.

"Look, I have to go love, but don't forget your spot at the museum, tickets are on the nightstand, I love you." Before I could respond he was already in the midst of hanging up making me frown but I shook it off to have fun with the women, and young ladies in my life.

After everyone was done eating breakfast we made our way out and headed to the long awaited Museum of Ice Cream.

It was worth waiting for, I could tell you that. We took plenty of pictures for memories, this one was definitely going down in the books. We had made it further in and the girls were playing in the giant pool of sprinkles while our Mother's sat on the giant Ice Cream sandwich love seat. I walked around taking pics of what I saw and more! After a couple of minutes we moved into the swings and giant popsicles to give other people a chance for enjoy the pool.

I walked away to call Kofi to see what he was up to but I kept sending me straight I voicemail making my blood boil a bit until I head re the girls and a deep chuckle.

"Daddy!" The girls cheered and my eye brows furrowed when I turned around, I looked at his pother who held a smirk on her face as I walked closer to the popsicles, their kinky hair peeked out from the art and their attempt to hide was priceless, but when I seen Kofi my heart fluttered a little.

"You didn't think I would miss your day did you?" He smirked and I shook my head linking my arms behind his neck and pecking his lips continuously. "Of course not."

I found joy I. Watching my girls in the hands on environment and getting spoiled with loads of ice cream myself, after leaving the museum we all headed out to Brio's for lunch, there I had more food than I intended to and hoped no one noticed.


"Today was great, thank you honey." I smiled getting settled down into bed next to Kofi. He turned on his side before looking at the side of my face and speaking up.

"Anything for my queen, the day isn't over yet though." He cheekily smiled and I nervously chuckled when he settled between my thighs. Gradual kisses from my neck, down my chest and above my line kept me in bliss. It gave me a euphoric feeling because of how sensual it was. He French kissed my hips and ran his hands along the inside of my thighs, my panties were wet no doubt but I felt like he was doing something because by now his head would be buried between my thighs and I would be screaming his name to the heavens.

"I'm thanking you, for my three kids, having you as a mother I know they'll always be on the right track." My eyes popped open and he stopped his assault on my lower belly before  a deep chuckle escaped his lips.

"I- What-" I was at loss for words and he came back up holding list of his weight over me.

"Didn't you think I knew? I know your body like the back of my hand, sweet heart." He smirked kissing my lips in a loving manner even though I was still confused.

"How did you know? For real?" I pouted crossing my arms under him.

"you're more sensitive to my touch," Kofi's hand gripped my backside and I but my lip.

"Your hair is longer, you're glowin' " I blushed at his vague response and closed my eyes.
"And don't think I didn't see these." I opened my eyes to see his on my breast and he leaned down giving both of them a quick peck as I blushed.

"So, to conclude and answer your question. I know when my baby is having a baby."

Kofi Siriboe Imagine Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang