Diez | Drug Lord. Pt.2️⃣

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Fuuuucckkkkk do y'all know I had to write this all over again? I wrote it in my notes at first but it wouldn't let me copy and paste, like fuck Really? Damn.💀

Y/n's head pounded as she finally opens her blurry eyes, still finding herself chained to the ceiling of the semi dark room.

She swallowed a few times and blinked looking down at the burn that was causing her whole thigh to swell up. She picked her head up only for it to drop again.

A few people chuckled while she shook back in forth in the chains trying to find the strength.

"Dad just let me have her." A monotone voice pleaded before touching her shoulder, she hadn't even noticed Julius and his son standing in front of her.

"Then what? you kill her like the other two? Hell no." Julius shook his head and his son sighed still swooning over y/n's brown body.

"Please help me." She whimpered, it was hot and she was hungry on top of that her hormones made everything ten times worse for her. She didn't even know how long she had been here yet.

The purplish bruises on her body broke her attention, it looked like they had treated her body as a punching bag when she was out.

"Aw, you want a taste?" Leo, Julius's son chuckled bringing his bottle up to her lips before quickly snatching it away so she didn't get any.

"Fuck you. This is how you treat a pregnant woman? You all are sick." Y/n gritted wringing up enough spit to spit in Leo's face.

"Fuck this bitch up." He growled wiping the spit off of his face. A pale white man stopped in front of her before looking to his boss and shaking his head.

"I can't do it-" A gunshot went off, right to the side of his head. The blood spewed all over the place including on her body causing her to scream in shock.

She looked to Julius with wide eyes before shaking her head. His lifeless body laid at the bottom of her chained feet.

They ignored her screams, putting tape over her mouth to shut her up. It wasn't long before she was out again from the drugs they had injected after Julius left.


"Mommy! Hi mommy!" The baby smiled reaching up at Y/n.

"Where's Daddy?" The child's curious eyes wandered around the room until she spotted Kofi standing by the doorway.

"Daddy!" The child whined wanting to transfer over into her fathers arms who gladly took her, y/n watched the interaction with the child and her father and smiled to herself.

The birth of the baby made him open up in more ways than one, to y/n, to the baby, and to himself.

Along with y/n the baby had introduced him to himself, just like the baby had introduced her to herself.


"I think I found something boss." Jerry walked into the office where Kofi had been deep in thought looking at the pictures you took.

"Last sight of Julius was in Maine he has ties over there but I think we can pull a few strings to find out where exactly he is." Jerry read Kofi all the information as he got ready to go back out. The plane tickets were ready in less than twenty minutes.

Hopefully he could bring her back along with their unborn child. Two weeks, two weeks and they finally got a lead.

Kofi's phone buzzed and he almost forgot looking down at the text message his heart dropped.

Kofi Siriboe Imagine Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora