Chapter Two

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Elora's Pov
It was early in the morning another day of the week.  Here I was sitting on Blake's hood of his car since he headed inside early more or so chasing after his usual crush of the day.

I didn't wanna head in yet, because I wanted sometime for myself.  Since it helped me think while being able to drift on about other things as well.

I put my iPod in my jean pocket, just needed a quick moment so I could flip backwards in my sketchbook, turning the few pages that I could.

Sometimes there was doodles and things that come to mind but mainly they are my dreams.

Most dreams I can remember so vivid that I can draw them out, then try and remember them from when and what they were.

I was humming along to the song before I flicked my eyes up when I saw the similar Volvo drive up in the same parking spot.

I took a small breath in seeing the figure get out of the car. It so happens to be Edward Cullen one of the many interesting characters at this school I thought to myself.

Unlike many others at this school who study the Cullen's like they are chemistry projects, I think their family is unique very special and that there isn't one thing wrong with that.

I smiled to myself when I looked down again then slowly I saw Edward had flicked his gaze at me almost like he knew what I was saying. Very shy like I had shut my book and gripped it along with my backpack sliding off the hood.

I made my way inside the school to avoid the gaze of his since I thought he was judging me, but I shook it off since everyone judges me and there's not much that I can seriously do.  Everyone is different I am not gonna be the same as everyone else.

Edward's Pov
"Alice?" I called to her very focused on scanning my gaze around the crowded lunchroom. To see if I spotted the same certain someone trying to shake off every single little thought entering my head.

I was playing with my food a bit. "Yes, Edward?" Alice called when I looked over to her.

"Do you know this girl?" I asked I didn't really know how to described her. I strained a bit and then I spotted the familiar thoughts. I snapped my gaze across the cafeteria, to see the same girl from early with a book out by the windows close by us a bit but far as well.

"Her?" I asked quietly nodding when Alice looked to where I nodded and then Alice grinned.

"Oh yeah that's Elora, Edward she's a junior but like a late bloom junior she started school late." Alice answered for me without even a second thought as she explained.  I blinked briefly when snapping my head over there again.

I don't know why her thoughts are so.....peaceful like? Best way to describe them.  I cracked a small smile. "How long has she been here?" I asked when Jasper released a small noise.

"She has been here since we first started here." Jasper called calmly and I was clearly surprised.

"Really?" I asked when Alice nodded.

"She's just really quiet she doesn't like talking to anyone or speaking, but she's been here longer then us that's just what she likes," Alice reassured me with a small grin.

"Me, her and Jasper have history together she seems to enjoy drawing quite a lot." Alice commented, leaving  Jasper to hum a small bit nodding.

"Unlike many her emotions are somewhat peaceful." He strained out when Alice rubbed his arm calming him down.
Rosalie and Emmett were engraved in each other. I slowly peeked over my shoulder at her when she was drawing deeply using some colored pencils.

I let a small chuckle out. "How come I am just hearing about her?" I whispered knowing they all could hear me.

Emmett released a small chuckle out. "She's quiet Edward what do you expect?" Emmett called out to me amusingly. I shook my head a bit.

"Still." I answered back towards him, studying her again and Alice let a loud chuckle out.

"Edward doesn't stress over it too much Elora won't be too quiet for long." Alice called and I knew she knew something I didn't. I hate that she always does I thought my gaze hitting Elora yet again.

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