Chapter Sixteen

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Elora's Pov
I kept my arms folded across my chest firmly watching closely as everyone was pacing around the garage moving away from different cars and whatnot.

Edward passed by me briefly, before kissing the top of my head gently holding two of my jackets he had picked up back up at my house after he sunk in, my eyes following all the little movements.

"Esme, Rosalie I need you to wear Elora's jackets to bare her scent." Edward called tossing the jackets over to the two who caught them Rosalie scowled deeply.

"Why? Why should I? What is she to me." Rosalie demanded in a hard time flicking her gaze over to me.

I gave her sorry eyes as I sighed softly knowing I put them all in this mess, all because I was different from them all, I was human.

"Rosalie, Elora is part of this family, we protect family. She is with Edward." Carlisle called firmly to her handing her the jacket back.

Rosalie scowl was present still her eyes slowly soften as she snatched it away and slipped it on over her body.

I flicked my eyes over to watch Alice came over to me grabbing my hand in hers flashing me the one of a kind smile of hers.

"Come on Elora you are coming with me and Jas." She told me gently as she smiled pulling me with her, urging me along. I gave her a soft smile back following after her.

She helped me in the back and I slipped back sinking into the leather of the seat helping it calm me a bit. Edward made his way over to the car and spoke with Alice heatedly.

"Keep your eyes on her Alice, Jas I mean it." Edward demanded.

"You have my word." Alice told him sternly he gripped onto the window a bit and I leaned out the window watching him brush his lips across mine.

"Please be safe for me." He whispered, I cupped his face giving him a soft kiss which he returned holding my face gently.

"I promise to be safe if you promise to be safe?" I mumbled back and he slowly broke the kiss gazing his golden-brown eyes.

"Deal." He agreed slowly kissing my head one final time before pulling away while Alice started the car up revering it.

I leaned back in my seat holding myself for warmth as soon as the car speed out the garage, and before I knew it, we were on our way the other car with Esme and Rosalie and Emmett speeding off as well.

It got so hot so quickly it didn't take too long for us to be out of Forks and on the outskirts close to Phoenix In a hotel.

Alice and Jasper were staying close to each other because it was helping them so they weren't just breathing in my scent and blood all around. Felt really bad for them.

I had my jacket tied around my waist and I sat on the tile floor drawing in not one sketchbook but three that were laying around me.

"You really are good at drawing." Jasper commented, his voice startled me for a moment, I looked up at him giving him a small smile as I set down one of my pencils letting it rest.

"Thanks, Jas... it's not really special though, I have to get my dreams out someway." I explained and he arched an eyebrow curiously.

"Wait so you are drawing dreams?" He asked me confused, I shyly nodded gazing at him.

"Yeah, they are dreams." I explained.

"That's so cool." He whispered I chuckled lightly looking down at one of my sketchbooks curious like.

We both quickly looked up when Alice gasped as she quickly came over to me her eyes glazed over as she grabbed one notebook and touched it.

"That Elora! What is that place?" She asked me franticly, I blinked confused before showing both her and Jasper the picture I drew.

"It's an old dance studio I went to as a kid, it's not too far from here." I explained as she touched it tracing the pencil marks between her fingertips.

"He changed his course the little trick we did, he didn't fall for it." Alice whispered.

"Is he going to my dance studio?" I questioned and flicked my gaze up to Jasper who was rubbing her arms and back gently to calm her down.

"I haven't been there in years it's abandoned actually." I whispered.

"Its full of mirrors though that's the vision." Jasper called out, I inhaled a bit when Alice's phone rang her and Jasper ran off to the other room in the hotel.

I briefly traced the sketchbook briefly looking around at the others packing them up the beeping from my phone resting near me caught my attention.

Scooping it up I reached over answering it looking down.

"Hell-" I whispered shutting my eyes and I slowly grew tense and listened as I heard my cousin's voice.

It sounded distressed and in pain, I grew panicked as I spoke but not too loud to drawl panic to Alice or Jasper.

"Come alone don't bring the others, if you want to see your cousin or aunt." I heard the sinister voice come from James.

It made me wince hearing his dark and twisted voice travel through my ears and travel through my spine.

"How do I know you aren't lying?" I sharply called in a whisper slowly getting up.

I heard him release a small chuckle that sent more dark shivers down my body.

"You'll just have to find out won't you." He mused before I could even speak, he hung up making a course of frustration seep through my veins and body fast.

I didn't know what to do my mind was racing, I couldn't risk the lives of my only few family who was taking care of me, but I couldn't be reckless either.

I grunted slightly and looked back to were Alice and Jasper were and finally shook my head deeply.

"I'm probably gonna regret this." I whispered to myself. I looked around spotting the little pepper spray my aunt always gave me, it might not do much, but I can at least try I thought slipping it into my jeans pocket.

I slowly sunk out the hotel room not only was I shaking on the inside. I just had a feeling.

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