(Breakingdawn Pt2)Chapter Fifty Three

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Elora's Pov
My mind felt like a lot was happening around it in one place, everything just sort of came and rushed back to me all at once. I remember Ace. I remember the screaming, I remember wanting to thrash around in pain from this feeling coursing through my body, but I laid there still aware that my heart was slowly dying out and wasn't gonna beat again.

I lived a good human life, so I thought, I had friends, I reached the age of eighteen, and I finished school.

I got married and spent time with family I did everything as right as I could have. And when I felt my heart had stopped completely my eyes snapped open and all I could say was.

Woah what the hell. My senses felt very highlighted and overwhelming, I shifted my eyes all around the room a little in awe. I could see the dust particles clear as day. I snapped my eyes and head over to a little vase watching the small little droplets molecule slide down it.

A small smile went over my face a little. I sat up raising my hand to stare at my ring a little but I then snapped my head when I heard shuffling across. I stared over at Edward in awe seeing him staring at me with this awe expression, before he held out his hand for me.

I stood up walking towards him, and a tiny gasp left me when I placed my hand in his a small smile making its way across my face. When I spotted myself in the mirror. Damn, I never knew I had curves that's me. I looked like a goddess.  My curly hair had grown and was down to my neck.

My brown skin had this unnatural glow and beauty to it, and my brown eyes were very much gone and replaced with a deep red color.  Edward then traced his hand up my hand tracing the ring, a small smile going over his face when his hands traced all up my arms towards my shoulders.

"Beautiful... We're the same temperature now." I grinned quickly tossing my arms around Edward hugging him tightly hearing a small pained noise leave him. I took in his scent that hit me, it was overwhelming.

I lifted my hands to run through Edward's brown hair loving the way it felt. Edward's arms wrapped around my waist slightly before hearing him straining out.

"Hey, Elora... Mhm, you are a lot stronger then I am right now." I sniff in a bit, I grew embarrassed slowly making my grip less tight giggling shyly gazing up at Edward who chuckled at me.

"It's your turn not to break me." I gave him a playful smile and yanked him towards me fast making him chuckle.

"I love you," I told him watching his hand then move to cup my cheek bringing me much closer to him.

"I love you too." He whispered pressing his lips onto mine. My hands then moved to gripped his shirt tightly moving my lips even more with his. We then broke from the kiss when the sudden thought hit me, and I stared at Edward quickly.

"Ace," I whispered wanting to see our son, I had been out for three days what has happened since then, was he safe? Edward then grinned a soft chuckle leaving him.

"He is amazing." Edward whispered, I felt my chest grow tight with happiness and I spun my head around towards the door.

"Where is he? I have to see him." I tried to pull away from Edward but he was quick to tighten his arm around my waist.

"Wait baby, we need to get your thirst under control," I stared at Edward for a minute till the sudden burn traveled through my throat making me let a weak groan out letting my hand the travel up to hold at my throat gulping.

"Yeah, you need to hunt come on." He told me softly. I took his hand in his, my eyes still shifting around at every detail. Edward managed to help me out the house quite quickly before the both of us were running through the forest together, I could hear my boots hitting the grass and the crunch.

I was looking around in excitement whipping my head around laughing quietly when I could see the little animals and the details. I jumped over a log smiling but then I was grabbed by Edward who was watching me in amusement chuckling.

"This is so cool." I told him feeling his hands rub up and down my arms.

"It is isn't it, why are you so cute, I need you to close your eyes for me." I kept smiling shutting my eyes slowly.

"Tell me what you hear, and then what you smell." I gave a low him nodding, I focused all my senses.

"I hear birds, I heard a loud waterfall, and then there's small footsteps that sound like a deer."

I snapped my eyes open and Edward then followed to where I was looking nodding his head at me. We both crouched down in front of a bush where a deer was drinking water. I kept my eyes trained on the deer, watching Edward nod his head at me. I did catch this large whiff of blood but it wasn't what I was focused on.

I shook my head quickly and Edward was staring at me even more in surprise. I then quickly jumped out grabbing the deer.

I quickly bit into the deer's neck fast the instinct sort of taking over me. I let the blood rush down my throat the burning going away it didn't take that long for me to finish.

I stood up wiping the back of my mouth clean with the long sleeve of my black shirt a little embarrassed but I heard Edward's chuckles before he was standing near me.

"Elora you know you just were able to ignore human blood mid hunt like that's impressive." I blinked.

"Wait that's what that smell was?" I pointed out watching Edward then carefully hide the deer's body nodding at me placing his arm around my shoulder while we started walking back towards the house.

"Even mature vampires have struggled with that, my wife is quite impressive." I laughed quietly still walking side to side to him. I then looked up when the whiff of a new scent.

I then looked watching Austin come out with his hair all pulled up in a bun staring at me. "Well.... I wasn't expecting you to look so you." He chuckled stepping a little closer. I moved away from Edward a grin still on my face.

"Except for the creepy eyes." Austin scent was a lot different, it was like a wet dog but he was still my best friend, I then quickly wrapped my arms around him hugging him quite quickly.

"Austin." I squealed hearing him let a loud laugh slowly hearing him whine. "Damn you are strong hey Elora." He chuckled both of us parting from the hug.

"Sorry I thought you were gonna want me to keep my distance." I gave him a quick shake to my head no.

"Are you crazy you are my best friend and you stayed with me the entire time I was half dead." I joked out.

"Sorry my face is like the second one you are seeing, but it's just to see how you'll be around Ace." I stared at Austin for a minute in confusion.

"You care about Ace?" I told him softly watching him and Edward shared a very quick deep look with one another.

"Well yeah, anyway take a whiff." I brought my nose a little closer to him taking a sniff.

"Well you do kinda stink but I can handle it." I chuckled hearing him laugh, Edward brought me back close to him kissing my forehead.

"You two look so good together." I stared at Austin again seeing him grinning at me. I stared at him in awe.

"Thank you," I told him shyly before I then glanced back up at Edward who was smiling at me happily.

"You wanna go meet our son?" He asked me making me spark with excitement again, I nodded my head quickly grabbing Edward's hand holding it. Austin grinned before he was rushing inside before us. While me and Edward took our time heading back inside.

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