Chapter Fifty One

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Ellen's Pov
"Well, you seem better than the last time I spoke with you." I held my phone close on speaker keeping it near me sitting on the edge of the couch, with my sketchbook just skimming through them. It amazed me how many books I had gone through just full of drawing.

"Yeah I feel better Auntie, I just don't want you all worrying I'm okay, Blake shouldn't worry neither should my mom, I'll be home soon," I spoke to her massaging at my head slowly.

"Well just as long as you promise I almost had a heart attack when Carlisle first told me you were sick, and I hope the marriage life is treating you good how is it?" She asked me. I glanced at my hand at my ring, trying to forget about the argument but shook my head.

"Edward is still the same." I trailed off. I spoke with my Aunt as much as I truly can to stop her from worrying, I didn't want anyone to worry like that anymore and knowing the unknown just made me emotional for some reason.

"I love you, Aunt Tiana." I chuckled quietly telling her goodbye I placed my phone on the coffee table sniffling rubbing to ease the tension in. I sat up the best I could when I heard Edward's voice from nowhere when he was sitting next to me.

"I'm sorry I've been so angry." He spoke first glancing at me softly sliding his arms around my shoulders, I breathed out a chuckle shaking my head wiping the tears away. "I would be too, don't worry," I told him locking our gaze.

"I've left you in this all alone, and I'm so sorry, marriage well they say the first year is hard." He really was trying to lighten up the mood and it was making me actually laugh instead of crying. Edward chuckled but then he looked at me in confusion, glancing at me.

"What is it?" I questioned him quietly.

"Who was?... I thought I heard something but say something else." He instructed me. I looked at him like he had gone crazy.

"Like what Edward? What's going on." I giggled.

"She likes the sound of your voice," He suddenly spoke looking at me with a smile going across his face.

"You can hear her?" I asked almost bouncing up so fast in excitement.

"She likes my voice as well, I can hear, her thoughts it's so strange, I thought she was more like you, but she sounds a little like me, she's like a mix of you and me good and happy." I looked at Edward in so much awe and giggled holding my mouth in shock glancing down at my large stomach speaking

"Of course your happy how can you not be, we love you so much," I spoke to my belly, smiling. Edward moved to place his hand also on my belly rubbing at it slowly.

"What else is she thinking?" I whispered still in excitement.

"She loves you, Elora." Edward chuckled locking eyes with me and my heart just filled with so much warmth, me and Edward chuckling with one another.

"She likes when you draw and talk to her, she likes so many things," Edward told me.

My stomach was huge and I thought a pumpkin or a watermelon was as huge. I rubbed a gentle circle across my bump before I stood up with Alice and Rosalie helping me I was just filled with worry with whenever anyone had been having to do this all for me it was so much, I watched Austin enter the living room after speaking with Edward before he made his way over towards me smiling.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked him gently watching him chuckle tucking his hair away gazing at me.

"Yeah, it's not like I'm the one carrying a demon." He joked, I rolled my eyes at his humor. I rubbed at my stomach glancing at Rosalie who was smiling at me.

"This is important Elora, why don't you tell Austin what you've decided I'm sure he won't laugh like Jacob and Bella did." I released a small puff of a huff out when Austin looked at me confused, tilting his head.

"What now?" Austin asked folding his arms, Edward finally joined near us, chuckling up a storm.

"Rose is trying to make Elora change her baby names." I rolled my eyes once again amused.

"They aren't that bad, she hates them," I grumbled.

"Well with your creative brain I don't think they can be that bad." He commented staring at me fully.

"Well I'm not sure where this one came from, but since it's a girl I was thinking Renesmee," I spoke, Edward was laughing quietly with amusement and Austin was staring at me.

"Kinda weird, but not that bad, and what if it's a boy?" He asked me fully again. I nibbled at the tender skin of my bottom lip.

"Ace." I spoke seeing Austin grin a little, "Renesmee Cullen, or Ace Cullen not too bad." Austin grinned at me and I looked at Rosalie in triumph mumbling to her.

"He likes them." She rolled her eyes at me amused before she reached out to hand me the cup she was handing me with one small step the cup almost dropped from my hand so quickly I shot my hand out to grab it, but I was in pure shock at the sudden pain in my entire back area gasping out loudly.

I let the cup drop at the pain spreading through my body and almost instantly I fell straight onto my side at the pain tearing up but Edward had rushed over quick to catch my head before it fell. It felt like such a fast blur before everyone was rushing around me.

I fluttered my eyes a few times when I suddenly wasn't on the floor but staring up into quite a bright light that made me groan more at everything the pain in my body, my belly moving like wildfire.

"Carlisle said the something must have not attached he's coming back as fast as he can." I teared up more when Edward jabbed something slowly in my arm making me twitch a bit.

"It can't wait we have to do it." Rosalie actually looked fearful picking up a scalpel but Edward's hand shot out to stop her.

"Rose let the morphine spread." Edward ordered her.

"Are you crazy." Austin exclaimed at her.

"She's suffocating! " Rosalie snapped, and once again coursing through my body was a sharp pain.

"Get her out! Fuck it hurts!" I shouted. I didn't even realize Rosalie was cutting into my belly till Edward was screaming at her since she was in a daze, before Alice was dragging her off.

"Elora look at me okay keep your eyes open, keep your heart beating," Austin demanded to me grabbing my hand, once again nothing but sharp pain escape through me and I screamed out now actually feeling the knife enter me crying out, I tilted my head back feeling nothing but pain from all the actions Edward was doing.

It felt like needles and other things were stabbing at my stomach over and over ripping me out. "She's dying." I yelped out gasping through the cries.

"Edward change her, you gotta change her!" Austin yelled out.

"I can't not while she's still in there, I have to get her out first." It was blind pain and my crying grew much louder, feeling my eyes heavy. I shook the feeling away before suddenly the usually heavy feeling in my belly was soon gone, and I blurry opened my eyes on surprise when I heard the tiny little cries ignoring the cracks in the process.

Austin was looking a little in awe at the little bloody mess in Edward's arms, but Edward was holding the small thing in his arms blood coating his cheeks from where he had to bite, he stared at me with softness in his eyes.

"It's Ace." He whispered to me a smile over his face, and my eyes even through the pain-filled with wonder.

"It's a boy? I wanna see him." I whispered in awe. Edward moved closer to me, the little small bub was still crying even when I held him and I looked at him more a smile going across my face looking at his little features, tracing his cheeks, he should get some color to him in a day maybe two.

Everything that I could remember I winced a little when small pain traveled through me before Ace was crying out loudly, Edward swooped in to pick him back up holding him in his arms cooing at him to calm him down. I stared at the seen in front of me a small smile going across my face whispering.

"Beautiful." I felt this sudden crash on my body and I wanted to keep my eyes open, but the weight hit me out of nowhere and it felt like I wanted to sleep.

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