Chapter Three

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Elora's Pov
"So you ready to make some friends?" Blake called to me amused when he patted my shoulders blades chucking loudly, shaking me a few times, before he started moving around me, his shoes hitting the sidewalk all in one motion. I pushed him playful as we got out of Aunt Tiana's car that was parked in front of Charlie Swan's house the chief. He was actually a very quiet man. I never even knew he had a daughter, and he was always working with my aunt as well.

"Not ready at all I need to prepare for school tomorrow." I whined quietly to Blake who was snickering hard at me, his hands messing with his own messy curls, shifting his eyes all around. I already had a small feeling that he was gonna get bored faster then anyone.

"Oh come on Elora you drama queen it won't be that bad." Blake let his little joke slip when all three of us walked up to the house, I shoved my hands in my jacket pockets way more then I thought I would. maybe I was cold, maybe I was nervous maybe it was all of the above

Lets just hope so I breathed out licking my lower lip a few times sinking my teeth also into the sensitive muscle. Leaving Tiana to knock on the door a few short times.

I gazed around a few times, shifting my eyes a bit more till I watched the front door open seeing Charlie looking good like always. "Hi, Tiana." He greeted her with a very quick hug which she returned with a small chuckle and hug in return.

"Hi, Charlie." She greeted when they pulled away, a very quick greeting. Charlie greeted us as well with a smile and head nod our way. "Here come inside." He gestured with his palm, holding open the door even more. we followed him inside shortly.

Charlie nodded to the living room, his eyes mainly focused on me more then Blake. "Bella is in there Elora if you want." Charlie called shyly. I ended up slowly noding after a short moment of silence.

"Sure." I answered chewing my lower lip. I moved around the chatting three who made their way into the kitchen area. I entered the living room, spotting a pale girl sitting on the couch with really long wavy brown hair that flowed a bit down her back. she was picking at her nails playing with her fingers as well.

I took a deep breath in making my way to her, she finally noticed me her head shifting up. Bella looked up with a small blush coating her face when she stood up to meet me half way.

"Hi, you must be Bella." I introduced myself to her flashing her another soft smile. Bella cracked a small side smile my way.

"Yeah, you must be Elora my dad has been telling me all about you." Bella instantly told me. I nodded my head a few short times.

"My aunt has been doing the same." I told her with another light smile really trying to ease my shyness. I don't know why it was so difficult.

Bella chuckled a tiny bit. "Well it's nice to meet you, you go to Forks Highschool right?" She asked me and once again I nodded.

"Yes, I do if you want tomorrow I can show you around if you like?" I suggested and Bella looked really relieved.

"That would help me so much thank you." Bella told me when I smiled a little bit more.

"It wouldn't be a problem I don't hang out with that many." I informed her.

She lifted an eyebrow at me and I cleared my throat a bit. "I'm pretty quiet and shy. I don't like when people bother me sometimes." I explained further. She oohed a small bit.

"Oh well that's not too bad I'm pretty awkward." Bella comments stuffing her hands in her pocket.

I let a small chuckle out. "Same." I whispered when me and Bella chuckle a bit.

"What grade are you?" Bella asked very curiously when she shifted a bit more and I spoke.

"I'm a sophomore." I answered and Bella looked upset for a moment.

"Ah that's amazing I was really hoping to have a friend in my grade." She joked when I let a small giggle out making Bella smile a bit.

"Yeah so I take it you're a sophomore as well?" I asked a bit wondering. She nodded again, which I returned gesturing towards the kitchen Blake was in the kitchen with her dad.

"Blake is a sophomore too but just because doesn't mean we might not have classes. The classes are sometimes mixed with different grades." I pointed out making Bella smile more chuckling.

"Oh yeah well let's hope I have a few classes with you." Bella called making me chuckle a small bit. This was one of the most casual talks I have ever had with anyone before.

Bella let me sit beside her on the couch with her and slowly the both of us just sort of clicked talking about books and well other things we had a little in common and I didn't think I ever would make a friend but Bella may possibly be a friend.

"You play piano and guitar that's pretty impressive," Bella told me when I chuckled a little bit.

"Thank you actually, it took a few years." I answered when Bella nodded.

"You're pretty cool Elora." Bella told me and I forced a small smile.

"You're cool too Bella."

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