(Eclipse-) Chapter Forty Two

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Elora's Pov
I stayed as close as possible to Edward while Seth was filling Edward in what was going on with the battle. My heart went back with all the anxiety. Edward was doing his best to explain to me what was really going on with everyone.

I held my sleeves and perked up when Edward snapping his gold eyes open fast "is someone hurt?" I asked very worried

"She's close I can hear her thoughts Seth go. She knew we weren't there when she caught my scent. She knew you were with me." Edward pulled me to his side. I calmed my racing heart down holding his arm tightly.

"She's here." I whispered uneasily, scanning my eyes around the snowy like scenery with ease.

"And she's not alone." Edward commented in a small haze. I flicked my eyes to watch a boy around my age stepped out his eyes focused on me and Edward closely.

"Riley listen to me Victoria is just using you to distract me, she knows I'll kill you, in fact, she'll be she didn't have to deal with you anymore." I felt like my heart leaped right out of my chest when I watched her jump down out of nowhere her red hair, as red as ever.

"Don't listen, Riley, I told you about their mind tricks." She snapped at Riley fast.

"I can read her mind. So I know what she thinks of you." I kept a tight grip still.

"He's lying." She snapped out. It looked like she was still growing angrier each second.

"She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate James, that's the only thing she cares about not you." Just the name James sent unwanted chills and shivers down my entire body watching Edward some more.

"Think about you're from Forks you know the area. That's the only reason she choose you should doesn't love you." It looked like just for a minute Edward had him rethinking stuff until Victoria spoke to him again.

Riley looked to the side before back at me and Edward. "You're dead." He smirked just about to launch forward but then Seth jumped out and attacked him before he could. I was so impressed and still fearful.

I took a step back when Victoria started to run but then Edward started snapping out at her. "You won't get a chance like this again, you want her, you want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James. When I got him to pieces when I turned him into ash when I turned him into nothing." Edward sneered at her.

I was still staring in complete shock that seemed to piss her off so much Edward gently pushed me behind him shoving me away when Victoria latched herself onto him.

I Indeed still felt beyond useless watching this all unfold. I felt my breathing was heavy scrambling back I watched in horror when Seth was knocked out for a breath moment and both Victoria and Riley had Edward in a position I remember the Volturi did.

I then remember that story I heard from the tribe legends and dropped down into them freezing wet snow ignoring it seeping through my jeans.

I picked up a sharp-edged rock and rolled up my sleeve quickly slicing my wrist watching the blood poor down, it was a lot of blood but it was enough to distract the two vampires giving Edward the chance to focus on Victoria with Seth was back up and took down Riley.

I was panting heavy holding my arm close to stop the bleeding watching Edward with watchful eyes when he held my wrist tightly looking at me worried, we then both glanced with Seth came back shaking his grey fur out growling.

I looked at Seth some more. "Something's wrong." I whispered still holding my arms.

"Alice needs us back we need to go now." Edward demanded he started flicking a small metal lighter and tossed it over to Victoria's body and I watched her whole body light up with flames. The sight imprinting on my mind

"September twenty?" I let a small laugh out, tracing the fresh scar over my arm, glancing around the meadow sitting in front of Edward I then nodded my head.

"Yep it's a month before my birthday, I don't need to be older then you anymore, Alice said with our help we can have it ready by then." I smiled playing with the flowers with so much still fresh on my mind, but I just wanted to enjoy this peaceful moment.

"I'm sure we can, with her help there's no rush." He smiled brushing my curls over my shoulders some more.

"I've chosen this Edward I gotta stand by it." I looked up to face the sky some more, faintly smiling.

"So you're gonna let Alice plan the whole thing, the dress, the reception even the guest list, who knows who she might invite." I started laughing at the thought already imagining Alice picking out a dress that showed way to much skin, I started shivering and laughing much harder.

"I think I'll help." I giggled out of breath. I then turned to face Edward who was still watching me with a smile.

"I just don't know why you are doing this." He suddenly said I looked at him in confusion.

"The wedding?" I asked and I watched him shake his head side to side.

"No you're trying to make everyone else happy and content, but you're already giving away too much of yourself." I started to frown at the thought still playing with the flowers I then spoke.

"All my life I've wanted to please others before myself it first started when I met Bella, Edward if I think about it I never spoke up to talk with you you might have fallen for Bella then it followed with Austin and after what happened I think he hates me but deep down he'll always be my best friend. I've been that quiet shy, slightly smart girl. And I never could find my place no matter where I moved to, and even I tried making friends they pushed me to the side. It's hard being me not only because of my personality but my race as well. Edward, it's hard being me but along this way, I've started to find myself, with a lot of mistakes in the way. But I want this life because even if I get to spend this life forever, at least I'll still be me. I still be myself and that's all that matters to me." Edward was listening to me so focus, listening to every word I was saying.

"I know I've made quite a mess in your world, but soon I'll be apart of it still making a clumsy mess." Edward started to laugh silently at that little line slowly falling back to rest on the grass pulling me to lay with him the both us gazing up at the sky, that was blaring with heat and the sun.

"Starting with a wedding my clumsy Elora." He whispered gazing at me full of admiration.

"Starting with a Wedding Mr. Vampire." I smiled leaning in kissing him delicately on his lips which he returned slowly cupping my face bringing me to have as much close contact as we could get.

I slowly rested my forehead on his, "But first we have to tell Tiana and Blake, and Blake might attack." We both started laughing, and Edward nuzzled my nose with his.

"Good thing I can handle anything, it's a good thing I'm yours." He whispered I felt him slowly slide the ring to rest on my ring finger, and it felt amazing in a right away. The sunlight hit it lighting up the shape of it and I smiled faintly Edward looking at it across my hand.

"Yeah, I'm all yours Edward Cullen."

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