Chapter Fifty

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Elora's Pov
Yet again it was time for the daily little check-up with Carlisle in his office, and Edward was once again being very stoic and quiet. "You've cracked your rib, which isn't the worst there are no splitters which means you haven't punctured anything." Carlisle pointed out on the little x-ray screen.

"Yet," Edward grumbled looking away I shifted on the table keeping my hands pressed on the bump.

"Well, no wonder it hurts to move," I muttered sitting up a bit.

"It's breaking her bones, it's crushing you from the inside out. Carlisle tell to her what you told me tell her." Edward demanded still staring at me. Carlisle gave Edward a small look before he looked back at me.

"Its okay Carlisle what is it?" I asked him. He sat down in the chair gently grabbing my hand in his.

"Elora the fetus isn't compatible with your body, its too strong, it won't allow you to get the things you need. I can't stop it or slow it down, at this rate your heart will give out before you can deliver." He told me in this was the tone.

Of course, I was shocked, but I wasn't gonna give up this easy, not just yet. "Then I'll stay as strong the most I can." I didn't wanna hear more.

"There are some conditions that even the venom can't overcome and I'm glad you understand I'm sorry." Carlisle gave my hand one more squeeze before he left the office to give me and Edward some space.

My heartfelt heavy but I gazed at him deeply. "Edward I'm so sorry." I started holding my stomach more.

"I can't be without you." He stated in this heavy daze.

"You'll have a part of me, she'll need you." I told him.

"Do you honestly think I could love it, or tolerate it if it killed you?" I sighed heavily rubbing at my eyes with my sleeves.

"It's not her fault, you have to accept what could happen." I said sadly.

"Because you've given me no damn choice! Elora we are suppose to be partners remember, but you decided this on your own, you decided to leave me." I was staring at Edward in so much shock and held my temple.

"Stop seeing it that way!" I snapped right back at him. He always was talking to me like I was a little girl.

"Well, I have no other way to see it cause it's me who'll lose you and I don't choose that, I don't choose that." He repeated scoffing shaking his head sadly.

He slammed the door shut while he took his leave, and I held my temple more shaking shutting my eyes.

I never really argued with Edward not every. I always took things into though, but this just hurt since we never argue like this I could die, and yet I still would choose the baby's life over my very own, it's a mother feel I already had, and I just needed to keep calm.

The day passed and I felt weaker than ever, it was hard to keep everything down, I even could only draw a few sketches in my large books before I was exhausted. Everyone had been doing their research on immortal babies, and I even got to spend time with Seth whenever he came inside.

All I could do was sleep most times, and sometimes watch Austin, Emmett and Jasper watch the games that blared on the flat screen. With the whole wolf pack coming to kill me, not everyone could hunt and it was taking a toll on everyone. A small spike of a chill went through me and I yanked on the hoodie more not being able to find warmth from it.

Austin seemed to notice and chuckled moving close to me look away from the TV "I got it." He mumbled placing his hand in my lap, a small surge of warmth went through me instantly.

"Thanks, Austin." I mumbled, and he nodded his head at me, the urge to throw up ranged through me and I leaned over the couch watching Edward rush over to keep the little tin near me looking at me worried.

Not again, not the throwing up the blood. Austin's hands rubbed continuously across my back when the feeling went back away I laid back taking a small breath in. "We need to get some food in her system," Esme states in a mothering tone me gazing at me.

"If only I can see what the fetus wants," Alice demanded.

"The baby." Rosalie corrected her terms, and from the floor, Jacob was laughing quietly him and Austin sharing a look with one another. Edward look at the two of them before a look of realization washed over his face.

"Of course why didn't I think of that, Austin and Jacob had a thought." Edward spoke up between everyone.

"It wasn't a thought, Jacob had a snide comment." Austin chuckled rubbing at his nose.

"What were you two thinking?" Carlisle asked curiously like.

"I just thought maybe it needs someone to sink its teeth into. " Jacob started whining when Bella hit him on the arm fast.

"Jake really?"

"What it was funny. "

"Blood," I mumbled looking between everyone.

"I have some blood bags back in my office." Alice and Jasper had gone off at the mention of blood and even Emmett looked a little uneasy when Carlisle handed Edward a cup with a straw pouring the blood in it.

"Here so it's easier to drink." Edward told me gently, slowly sitting on the armrest.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Austin whined moving away from me for a minute. I took the cup slowly taking a small sip, right away it was the irony metallic taste in my mouth, and it wasn't too bad then what I was expecting.

I blinked a little. "It doesn't taste bad." I spoke since everyone was waiting for me to speak. Edward cracked a light smile before I continued to sip from the straw. Carlisle came over gently grabbing my wrist also cracking a small smile when his fingers pressed into my pulse.

"Your pulse is already getting stronger. "

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