Chapter Seventeen

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Elora's Pov
I could hear my footsteps echoing as I walked through holding my arms. I skimmed my eyes around it was dark, empty and made my nerves even way worse then they were, I had no idea what I was thinking.

Maybe I was running off nothing but energy and small fear, more like a lot of fear.  A lot of fear running through my body.

"Take deep breaths." I whispered loosely to myself to at least try and ease my nerves that were growing.

I perked up hearing familiar noises coming near one of the far-right closest. I had quickly rushed over opening the closest up my breath getting knocked from me noticing it was an old dance clip back when I lived with my Aunt and Mom.

I knew I should have listened to my gut feeling when I had.

"Mom I can't do it." I heard my younger self call out in tears the video playing out on the small little tv screen.

"Poor poor Elora, even at a young age you gave up so easily." I heard James's voice call out from behind me right near my ear.I quickly spun around, just to be quickly pushed up on one of the mirrors both my hands pinned down at my sides before I could blink.

"You even smell better up close, like jasmine." He teased looking at me with deep hunger in his voice, I grunted out as I lifted my knee up to at least try and hit him in his stomach.

James quickly yanked it back down smirking he pinned it down back to my side.

"You know I'm surprised your little boyfriend isn't here yet, always one to save first." He teased.

"Edward has nothing to do with this!" I screamed loudly still trying to yank him away from me using all the strength I could.

"Oh but he does sweetheart." James was quick to pin my wrist on the wall but the pressure quickly built and he snapped my wrist so fast and hard it.

My body went into shock before I even knew it I let the loudest scream out in pain that was the loudest noise to ever leave out of me.

I quickly tried kicking James away but it had no effect while he kept crushing my left wrist in his grip making me scream louder tilting my head back.

"Scream let him know it's hurting you scream and tell him." James growl.  I had tears pouring out from the pain and quickly James was shoved away from me.

I blinked away tears looking to see Edward his eyes were quick to gaze at me with pain.

"Edward." I breathed out he quickly rushed towards me lifting me up bridal style up into his arms.

"I should have got here quicker I'm sorry." He whispered to me his voice full of pain I clutched my wrist shaking.

"It's okay." I whispered Edward was quick to run and leap up but before he could his leg was grabbed and he yanked down, and I was sent flying into the window on the upper level and flew through straight onto the mirrors crashing into them.

There was so much blood, I could feel it coating through my clothes. I groaned out my vision feeling heavy as I screamed out crying feeling glass pieces imply through my thighs straight through them.

I quickly yanked them out letting them clatter to the floor hard ignoring the way my hand was trembling. I looked up quickly shoving him away as best I could, but James had the upper hand, pinned me down lifting my right wrist up biting into it.

I let another loud scream out kicking him even harder this time spending him flying across the room. I let a small groan out as I felt this burning pain enter throughout my body.

I jerked up hard crying out curling up a bit. It felt like my inside were dying and inflames all around.

"Elora look at me?" I suddenly heard and I opened my eyes to look at Alice seeing her pained expression as she looked at the blood shocked.

"Carlisle!" Alice yelled out and I grunted out crying again as the pain increased.

"Elora let me see." I heard Carlisle soft voice call out I jerked again letting a small scream out.

"It hurts." I cracked out choking on my tears it was the worst pain I ever felt from aside from when I was younger when I broke my leg.

"The venom is already spreading through her tissue, Edward you have to do something now." Carlisle called out hard and I cringed up crying.

"I won't be able to stop Carlisle."

"Edward she is dying you have to do something now!" I cried a little harder at the pain and I felt Edward lift me up placing me in his arms on his lap.

"Elora look at me, okay, I'm gonna make the pain go away alright? I'm gonna make it go away." He whispered looking like he was if he could he was gonna cry.

I gazed him deeply trembling in pain.  I slowly nodded watching him lift my wrist up and placed his teeth around the mark that James left and sunk his teeth into them and I felt him sucking.

My vision was getting heavy a little and all I could see in my view was flames I could hear so many voices talking, I could hear my heartbeat as it picked up it all was slowly fading.

"Edward that's enough stop." I heard. I felt the pain was slowly fading away and my body was still in a state of shock at all the blood.

"Enough Edward you'll hurt her." I let my eyes shut as the pain finally went away and slowly fell asleep a small tune in my head as I did. The tune was the only tune that kept me asleep at night, it kept me safe at night when I felt uneasy. Elora's lullaby.

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