Chapter Twenty Six

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Elora's Pov
"Come on Elora breath!"

"Come on wake up, wake up..... Wake up!"

My ears felt like they were ringing constantly, the loud ringing, and buzzing feeling my ears. My chest was heaving and my body was reacting on its own.

My chest heaved up and violently I started coughing violent amounts of water escaping out of me. My blurry vision faded and hovering over me I saw a soaking wet Austin his hair wet, and his shirt off.

"What the hell Elora! What were you thinking!" He screamed out at me and weakly I tried sitting up looking down at my soaked, dripping clothes.

I weakly held my head. "I was just trying cliff diving," I mumbled shaking my head slowly to get rid of the ringing buzzing around. "With your clothes on?" He scoffed out pulling his hair back.

"Come on." He mumbled grabbing my arms up he lifted me up bridal style pressing my head up on his chest.

"Where's my bag?" I asked meekly shutting my eyes. "I already grabbed it, it's in my car, I'm taking you home alright? You'll warm up in no time." He mumbled back to me.

I breathed a small sigh of relief but at the same time. I mentally slap myself for my stupid careless actions. All for nothing I thought to open my eyes again.

I looked back over at the ocean seeing the waves still crashing violently across the shore. "How long was I under Austin?" I suddenly question a weak cough shaking its way out of me.

"Fifteen minutes, Bella me and Jacob were already on the beach when I saw you." He explained to me.

"I still don't know what the hell you were thinking." He scolded me and I pressed my head on his chest more.

"I'm sorry Austin, I don't know what I was thinking, it was a careless thought." I apologized and Austin just released out a huge sigh, "I'm just glad you are alright now that's all that matters is that your safe and sound now."

Keeping myself wrapped in the blanket tightly. Austin was still driving me to my house the heat all the way up, giving me an extra set of clothes to warm up into.

"You really are warm." I joked out watching him crack a smile looking back over at me. "Perks of having a best friend that is super hot." He joked making me roll my eyes amused laughing.

"Don't be so vain." I laughed out playing with pieces of my more dry hair watching him. "Oh please you know I'm hot, hotter than Jake." He teased out and I faked gasped out amused.

"Oh I don't know, Bella could strongly argue." I laughed out. Austin just released another laugh pulling up to the front of my house taking his keys out before he looked out at the driveway confused gripping the steering wheel.

"Austin? Is something wrong?" I questioned out letting the blanket fall off my shoulder for a minute.

"I smell a vampire." He quickly called out looking back over at me, and I felt my heartbeat increase deeply.

"It's not Victoria I would have smelt it." He reassures me but that's when I grew more confused. I peeked out the window my breath gets taken away when I saw Carlisle's car parked out in the driveway.

"That's Carlisle's car Austin," I explained. I unlocked the door as quickly as I could rushing out halfway across the pouch before Austin was rushing after me grabbing my hand.

"Elora wait, as your best friend you need to listen, this is their land, I can't protect you if something happens." He exclaimed at me clear worry all over his face.

"They won't hurt me, Austin I promise," I reassured him quickly. I pulled away from him one last time entering the house it was dark and quiet kinda eerie cause I know nobody was home.

I turned on the lamps right by the piano and that's when I was pulled into the quickest coldest hug. Something I haven't felt in a while.

"Elora oh thank God your alright!" I heard the loud voice exclaim and as quickly as I could I hugged her back feeling myself becoming slightly emotionally.

"Alice oh my God!" I screamed hugging her as tight as I could. "What are you doing here?" I cracked out pulling back for a moment.

"I saw a vision of you jumping off a cliff and then I saw briefly of someone rescuing you but I couldn't see who, and each vision of you just kept getting blocked out I had to see if you were alive! And what is that God awful stench." She suddenly snapped out.

I looked at her in confusion before I saw Austin walked straight in giving Alice a hard look.

"I never cared about the Treaty and damn well don't now. I needed to make sure you were okay?" Austin told me quietly.

"I would never hurt her you wet dog." Alice snapped out. "You better watch it." Austin snapped back. "Please you guys don't fight," I begged slowly grabbing Austin's arm making him focus on me. He locked eyes with me before nodding moving away to go lean on the piano watching us too.

Finally, after ten minutes of not panicking, I sat on the couch with Alice while Austin watched nearby.

"It's just me that came, no one else knows I came expect Jasper." She explained to me. I kept fidgeting with my fingers softly letting my fingers glide across my tattoo a bit.

"How is he?" I asked quietly feeling my heart pick up speed. "He's been through hell, we only each see him once every few months to get him to eat." She explained rolling her eyes lightly.

"Looks like we've been both been through hell," I muttered joking and Austin chuckled shaking his head when he noticed Alice looking confused.

"Redhead vampire, Victoria." He called out and Alice looker in shock. The convo kept going on until Alice had to step out to talk to someone on her phone while me and Austin went into the kitchen talking with one another.

The phone suddenly ringed right by the counter making Austin look confused he answered it leaning across the counter.

"Hello?" He called out I folded my eyes watching him more.

"She's not here right, she's helping plan a funeral," Austin explained out chewing on his lip the phone call ended very quickly and I found it so strange.

"Who was that?" I asked lifting myself up from the counter before Austin could speak Alice had rushed back into the house in front of me before I could blink.

"Elora it's Edward he thinks your dead."

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