Chapter Thirty One

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Elora's Pov
"I just wanna sleep for days," I mumbled sleepily like, my head firmly resting on my arms a little.Me and Edward both just sat in class, me beyond exhausted for recognition.
I felt Edward brushing his fingers across my back, his small chuckles before feeling him pressing kisses onto my head.

"How come you didn't sleep, angel?" He asked softly whispering not to catch the teacher's attention.

"I stayed up, all night watching cheesy, marriage movies babe," I responded groaning quietly.

I lifted my head up, pulling all my hair back glancing at him.  "All for you, so I can come up with that answer for you," I told him playfully, watching him laugh silently holding his nose gently.

"You stayed up, for me? Well, I feel honored love." He chuckled pressing a big kiss onto my cheek.

"But remember you're helping all your little friends for graduation speeches." He chuckled kissing the side of my head.

"Oh god," I whined letting my head fall back into the desk banging my forehead leaving Edward to laugh loudly making everyone in the class look back at us since I could feel it.

I lightly kicked him in the leg with my foot, also shaking with laughter, my body still feeling him lightly kick me back.

"Miss Ignite, and Mr. Cullen, anything you like to say out loud." our teacher called to us both.

"No." Me and Edward called at the same time in unison. Him still laughing with me.  Oh, what a nice day for school in hell I thought.

Lunchtime flew by like a breeze. I held Edward's hand in mine him trailing behind me.

I know he hated being around everyone with their thoughts, except he couldn't read Bella, only bits in pieces.

Me and him joined Bella, Angela, Jessica, Eric, and Mike hearing them discussing stuff.

"Ah! I'm glad you joined us, Elora, you got an A on your essay right." Jessica whined at me with a note pad.

"That I did, with that depressing essay." I joked watching Edward chuckle watching me.

"Can you help, Mike is throwing out cliches." She called with a small pout.

"Its gonna be epic though," Bella commented checking lightly.  I chewed at my lip before chuckling.

"Start with, epic it can change lives," I called, grabbing the water bottle Edward handed me, and I thanked him taking a sip from the water bottle.

Jessica beamed at me before she started writing shortly after. Alice and Jasper joined us at the table.

"I've decided to throw a party." Alice beamed looking at me happily.  "A party at your place?" Angela questioned happily.

"I've never seen your house," Jessica called stammered.  "No one has seen their house." Eric pointed out Edward gave Alice a small look.

"Another party Alice?" He asked, "it will be fun." She defended while Jasper just watched amused his hair tucked behind his ears.

"That's what you said last time." I joked watching Bella look at me clearly confused watching us all.

Alice slowly looked in the distant and I noticed everyone was watching even Bella.

"Um Angela, do you need some help with those?" I called to her watching her nod handing me the notepad.

Edward looked tense as he watched Alice placing his arms around my lower back.

I tried to shake away the shattered thoughts before the day ended. Edward had dropped me off at the police station cause my aunt was up here helping Charlie with some things.

I glanced up at Edward folding my arms.  "Hey, I know you saw what she saw, what's up?" I asked him curiously.

He focused on me giving me a soft smile. "It's just, everyone notices how strange Alice is that's all." He explained to me looking at me softly.

I nodded my head, not wanting to press the issues. I look inside to see my Aunt and Charlie talking with two parents.

"What's going on?" I asked watching Edward look in.  "A boy went missing in Seattle about a year ago, Charlie and your aunt have been trying to help, there have been strange things going on in Seattle, mysterious death, killings," Edward explained to me looking down at me.

"If it gets worse, the Volturi will have to step in." He called making my body grow cold in shock.

"Here, but then they could come here," I called softly.  He looked at me thoughtful shaking his head.

"It won't get that far I promise." He reassured me pressing a kiss to my head.

"Remember we're using the airline ticket to see your mom, and dad in Arizona." He told me with a smile cupping my cheeks.

"I almost forget we are." I chuckled leaning up, giving Edward a soft kiss.

"I'll see you later, be safe, don't fall." He chuckled mumbling on my lips.

"No promises." I giggled on his lips pulling away. He pecked them over and over before he got into the Volvo driving off.

I headed into the police station, with my backpack the day slowly clearing away from my head.

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