Chapter Twenty Four

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Elora's Pov
It always felt like the weeks went by like a blur.  After a few months all I and Austin did was hang out and it was amazing beyond compare. I would go over to his house and cook with him, making a huge mess which would result in fun little cooking accidents. Or then sometimes, he would come over to my house and lay his head on top of the piano watching me play.

Sometimes he looked at me like I was the whole world it reminded me of Edward in a way. I started having deep visions of him. He would tell me not to do anything stupid, or to think about him before trying to do something crazy and out of control.

Lord could speak the truth and see that I missed him. He was everything and I would do anything to hear his voice. Or just to be in his embrace again. Lately, Austin has been acting weird but he refuses to tell me at all.

We've grown slightly distant and it was killing me inside not to see my best friend when he was hiding something so deep inside of him.

I sat at the piano tracing my tattoo a bit while looking at the music sheet still arranging a piece from time to time. My sketchbook resting by me on the stool as I pressed a few keys chewing on the end of the pencil.

"Elora! Austin is here!" Blake shouted making me jolt up startled lifting my head up. 

"Let him in!" I yelled back breathing out a small puff of air turning my gaze back to the keys. 'It isn't safe.' I briefly shut my eyes painful inhaling.  "You're not here Edward stop it."  I whispered bitterly shaking my head.

I opened my eyes seeing Austin leaning on the piano watching me. "Are you okay?" He asked me confusion laced all around his voice.

I cracked a small smile. "Besides you being distant, same old same old." I muttered bringing the pencil up to mark a new chorus in the song.

"Look Elora I didn't mean to grow distant I was just trying to find a way to explain to you all the things going on, not just with me but with Jacob and Bella. Blake says you've been falling asleep in the woods why?" He questioned in a stern tone.

I was quiet for a moment not knowing how to explain it.  I felt him grab my chin making me look at him deep in the eyes.

"It helps make the nightmares go away, and I have wolves howling by my window when I sleep in my bed." I muttered deeply.

Austin flicked his eyes all across at me inhaling as he spoke moving my sketchbook to sit next to me.

"So Jacob wasn't lying about your ex-boyfriend being a bloodsucker was he?" He called out deeply.

I shot my head up fast looking up at him in disbelief. "H-how did you?" I stammered my eyes staying wide Austin tilted his head at me with a knowing look.

"Think back to when Jacob told you a story a year ago, what do you remember?" He asked me.  I inhaled shakily shutting my eyes to think back to everything Jacob told me and Bella that day scanning my brain to everything. And for a small split second, it hit me like a ding going off.

"Wolves." I whispered quietly flicking my eyes back up to watch Austin who cracked a smile.

"I knew you were a smart cookie Elora didn't take you long, took Bella a while till she confronted Jacob about it." He mumbled more to himself.

"So wait? There are Vampires and then you guys Sam, Quil, Paul, Embry, Jacob are wolves." I whispered in awe.

"You got it, I wanted to tell you sooner but I didn't know how to spit it out, for a few weeks now we've been trying to find two vampires, a redhead and a black one." He explained to me and my breath got caught in my throat as I quickly sputtered out.

"Victoria and Laurent?"   I told him and Austin looked at me confused.

"Edward he um killed Victoria's mate James because he was trying to kill me, an eye for an eye if she tried to kill me." I explained.

"That's not gonna happen, I will protect you, I made that promise I'm sticking with it." He called to me in a firm tone.

I felt him cup my face deeply making me still look at him. "Promise something before I have to leave?" He muttered and I grew worried placing my hands over his afraid he was gonna leave too.

"Don't worry I just have to patrol  with Jacob and everyone but don't sleep in the woods tonight it isn't safe, sleep in your room, or even down here I'll be here when you wake up I'll help take the nightmare away okay." He whispered deeply still gazing his deep brown eyes into mine.

At first not knowing what to say I didn't wanna upset him. And second, a huge part of him was right. "I promise." I whispered and he quickly pulled me into him hugging me deeply.

I relaxed to his touch hugging him much as I could gripping his shoulder. I didn't wanna let go. I didn't wanna let go of anything but maybe letting go is the only way to heal...

I shut my eyes for a moment Austin playing with my hair gently.

"Can I hear that new song of yours?" He asked quietly pulling away for a second and it made me crack a small smile watching him tucking pieces of my hair away.

"Yeah, of course, took me all these months but it's done," I whispered gazing at the piano keys again slowly pressing a few keys at a time to get the right medley Austin focusing his eyes to watch me.

"Its called Turing Page."

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