Chapter Ten

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Elora's Pov
The time of the hour finally had come it was our time to hang out at La Push and I found it funny. Everyone was really hoping it would be super hot out, it actually was super cold out. It was never hot unless you totally prayed for it.

I'm glad I had bought one of my blankets with me. I just sat on the large logs watching Eric tease Angela,  then leaving Jessica and Mike actually trying to go out into the cold water. Tyler was with Lauren and Then half way down the beach.

Then there was me, Bella, Jacob, Embry, and Quill just talking.

"Look at you, it can't be that cold." Jacob joked to me handing me a twisler.  I let a small chuckle. Shaking my head left and right a few times cuddling into my blanket.

"This isn't so bad Jake, just wanna keep warm I don't like being cold." I whined amused seeing Bella smiling gazing at Jacob deeply. This little twinkle in her eyes when she stared at him.

"Something huge is on your mind what's up?" Bella asked me nudging me a bit with her arm. I just smiled shaking my head. I didn't like bugging people with my thoughts nor my problems.

"Just thinking a lot you know." I muttered a little my expression soft like.

  "Or probably cause her date bailed on her." Eric called amused to me, tugging his hair back a few times.  I got bashful a bit snuggling to my blanket to keep silent for that moment.

"What date?" Mike called confused a bit and I didn't like the attention on me at all. "Oh I know." Bella whispered a little flicking her head back at me.

"Edward?" She called confused in a small confused tone I nodded a bit. 

"I was just being friendly you know not too much of a big deal." I called smiling Embry hummed nodding.

"The Cullen's don't come here the cold ones." He called.  Jacob nodded letting the breeze blow his long hair.

"Not often they don't." Jacob called to me and I saw him put an arm around Bella when she started shivering both of them cuddling into their own set of blankets.

I moved a bit closer curious like. Research time.  "Can you tell me more Jake, Embry, Quill?" I asked Quill looked at me nodding.

"Sure." He agreed the others also agreeing and I focused on all three of them while Jake started talking.

I've been up most of the night trying to piece together all this information that I had learned today going from everything I remember to Edward, and his family.

The eyes changing color, not eating, super strength, super hearing, speed like how he was always able to stop me from falling, how he was cold to the touch.

Connecting the stories Jake told me I connected one strange piece and as mystical and crazy it sounds I think Edward and his family are vampires.

It's the only thing that makes sense.  How they always seemed to know things and for some odd reason if this is true I'm not scared at all. I know a normal reaction is to be like scared and afraid, but the rational thought was. If they wanted to hurt me wouldn't they already have? Including Edward he was around me enough that if he wanted to cause me harm, all my blood should be drained from me.

I don't think I have a reason to be something that people read about every day is happening behind thier backs they just don't believe it one bit.

I pushed my notepad to the side shutting my laptop taking a deep breath in and then I held my temple. "Oh so much to handle," I whispered.

I licked my lower lip grabbing my sketchbook and flipped to a brand new page because next to the blank page was my previous drawing which I studied deeply biting my lower lip.

"How beauty can be found in the shape, just look into the sky." I whispered tracing the dream drawing.  "This was the other day." I whispered.

"I'm in my bedroom and.." I whispered tracing the figured through the curtains window. "Those who love are confused look." I whispered.

I quickly looked up and I held my chest seeing a small flash and then my curtains were open. My eyes were wide and I scrambled out of bed going towards my window looking out my open window to see nothing.

But I could have sworn I saw Edward I thought panicked trying to calm my racing heart down. I shut my window and I slowly slide down the wall sitting under the window.

What's going on? things I don't understand what's happening there are vampires? Who knows what else and I have to wait until Monday to talk to Edward about it.

I blinked holding my wrist looking at the bracelet I have yet to take off. I traced the infinity sign with a soft shy smile.

"You gave me this didn't you and I was clueless to think someone gave me this," I whispered holding the cold metal.

I know what you are Edward and I'm not afraid of you at all I'll accept you.

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