7 | Two Can Play This Game

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A bit of language,

You have been warned


I refused to call for a certain someone's help as I tried to fix my fake, broken glasses.

I didn't have the right tools and just ended up gluing the broken glasses on with a school glue stick.

Frustrated, I dropped everything and banged my head onto my work desk.

It was a bad decision because now I'd have a lump on my forehead. Good thing I had side bangs, though.

I had finished my homework already and the only thing left for me to do was repair my spectacles, but I couldn't, and it makes me feel pathetic.

How was I supposed to hide my face with just turning my hair into braids?

I'll just wear something super ugly tomorrow to make up for it. Hopefully it makes people want to stay away and not look directly at my exposed face.

Picking out my outfit, I examined my bright, yellow t-shirt with baggy jeans.

"Looks good," I murmured, rubbing the bottom of my chin as if I was in deep thought, which I was.

I myself was wearing a red tank top and black sweatpants with my hair let down.

I pushed back my hair behind my left ear and glanced back at my work desk before turning off all the lights and going to the bathroom to wash up.

As I brushed my hair, I heard a small ruffling sound.

My hands slowed down its pace and I stared deeper into my mirror to catch a glimpse of whatever it was.

The light reflected off nothing.

I went back to brushing and finally finished. As I placed the brush down, I heard the sound again and I turned around immediately, punching the lights off.

It was completely dark around me but I could tell there was someone in the room.

I didn't need the lights anyway. It was my room. I knew where everything was.

I heard breathing coming from near my bed and I darted forward.

Whoever was there moved back so that my bed let out a small creak as they jumped off with a thud and circled around it.

I assumed it was a guy from the low sounds coming from him and predicted the first move was a punch to the face.

Because why not.

Luckily, I guessed correct and ducked, lunging forward from the side and ending up behind the person.

I violently kicked the man on the back and he stumbled forward, grunting a bit as he spun on his heels and charged for me.

I'd say about ten minutes of fist and feet exchanging happened before I was able to pin whoever it was on my bed when I just so happened to trip him just moments earlier.

He was a man alright. I had difficulty holding him down because I could tell a woman's body wasn't usually this big and buff.

Suddenly, the man talked, "Okay. I give, Jamie."

I frowned instantly and tightened my grip around his wrists as my body hovered over his.

"Liam?" I asked, staring at what I assumed was an outline of his head.

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