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Days later after fucking

I just sat with Edd and Matt at the picnic table. Tord stayed home alone. We were at a park it was a very cloudy day. Almost look like it's gonna rain but isn't really.

"I love Tord." I said out to them. I knew I love him since chapter 5. The two stared at me and not like 3 seconds, they were screaming and giggling at me. I flushed, "It's serious!"

They calm themselves down. But I know they want to fangirl more. "Ok ok ok. We chill. Now tell us. Why do you "love" him? Details, please." The brunette wiggle his brows at me. Are they really gonna make me talk about it. Matt smirks at me. Weirdo.

"Well you see, he has these beautiful silver eyes. They look like nice smooth stone. He has this nice beautiful smile. Showing his perfect white teeth and that cute small gap. That smiles light up my day. And don't get me started by his foreign accent it is just so nice and peaceful. I would love to listen to his soothing voice..Am I rambling too much?" I ask.

"Not at all. Now continue~"  Matt winks. Resting his head on his hand.

"And this nice perfect body of his. His funny but cute cuddly personality. It makes me adore him even more. He blows my mind. He is just perfect." If I had eyes. You can probably see me daydream about him.

"That is so cute of you. Awww my big boy is growing up!" Edd hugs Tom tightly.

"Yeaaaah. I was planning on asking him out. But I can't just say it out of nowhere." I hated him for no reason. We argue about stupid shit. But that's now in the past.


And I see Matt stop recording the audio from underneath the table.

He smirks at me. "We'll help you." I said.

His face lit up with joy.

(Short Chapter)

Transgender AU (TomTord) FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now