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"Harry, what were you thinking?" Uma yelled with her eyes wide. "You just got rid of our best chance at taking over Auradon!"

Harry yelled back, still massaging his throat. "I didn't know that the subject was sensitive!"

Uma grabbed the front of Harry's shirt and hissed. "An idiot would know not to piss off XJ! There's a reason why even Maleficent gets nervous around her!"

Harry grabbed Uma's hands and threw them off of him. He said incredulously, "I didn't know she would have such a hot head!"

"The girl was born with a military general as a father, Harry!" Uma shouted. "She was raised to be ready to kill at all times!"

"Well it's too late now! What do you want me to do?" Harry scowled, folding his arms over his chest.

"We need XJ!" Uma hissed. "You will go to her house, knock on her door, apologize and if she's feeling forgiving, she'll come back."

"I'm not apologizing for anything!" Harry snarled. "I'm not the person who almost choked a certain someone to death!"

"I am your captain and that is an order!" Uma snapped. "Now go, before our chance is gone!"

Harry slammed his fist on the table Uma was standing near, startling the whole crew. He growled like an animal before sweeping out of the restaurant.

Harry didn't know where XJ lived, but it wasn't hard to find her. XJ's house had a triangular roof. It was painted black and had graffiti all over it, as was the usual with every building on the Isle. The only difference was that the graffiti consisted of golden dragons and Chinese characters. There were a couple of Eastern villains, but XJ was the only one from China. There were slash marks all over the walls of the house, likely from spears and weapons. They looked deliberate and they were everywhere, which meant that XJ took her anger out on her house. Harry didn't know what that meant for him, but clearly nothing good.

Harry was about to barge into the house like he usually did, only to smack his shoulder into metal. He growled as he stumbled back a couple of steps. He took a few more steps before rushing at the door again, hoping to ram it open, when he suddenly found himself on the floor.

"Speak before I snap both your hook and your spine in half." XJ snarled as Harry groaned, sitting up on the floor.

"You didn't have to do that, you know." Harry grumbled as he stood up. XJ was standing in front of him, looking furious. Suddenly, he found himself with a sharp metal tip underneath his chin. "Woah, calm down, Xiao, I..."

"Get to the point, Hook." XJ snarled, her spear almost drawing blood.

"Uma sent me to ask if you were still on board with the plan." Harry muttered.

"Yes, but that's half of what she said, knowing Uma." XJ stated, raising an eyebrow.

"She also wanted me to apologize." Harry murmured.

"I can't hear you, boy." XJ said in a sing-song voice.

"SHE WANTED ME TO APOLOGIZE!" Harry shouted. He looked at the spear under his chin. "Are you done?" He growled, glaring at XJ.

"You've got your information, now go." XJ snarled, removing the tip of her spear.

Harry let out a breath and was about to turn and walk out the door when he remembered something. XJ raised an eyebrow, "I said go."

Harry suddenly pulled out his cutlass and swung at XJ. XJ immediately retaliated with her own weapon. A loud metallic twang sounded through XJ's house. Harry cackled and pressed harder, watching XJ's unfazed expression.

"Do you always look so stone-faced?" Harry asked, smirking.

"Do you always look like somebody's attacked you with black eyeliner?" XJ replied in monotone as she pressed back.

"Ooh, feisty little cannonball." Harry teased.

"Ooh, irritating little crocodile bait." XJ snarled as she sidestepped Harry's cutlass and swung at him again.

Harry blocked her strike but XJ was now on full-offense. She swung and stabbed, and although Harry managed to block all her strikes, he barely managed to keep up. He saw now why XJ was the most feared villain kid on the Isle. After a quick fake, XJ flipped Harry's sword out of his hand. The sword slid across the floor. Harry's eyes widened and XJ took this opportunity to pin Harry to the wall, her spear at his throat.

Harry chuckled. "You need to stop going for my throat."

"It's the most painful way to die." XJ said, finally cracking a smirk. "And the most convenient part of the body to damage."

"So you take after your father?" Harry raised an eyebrow, noting XJ's strategic way of thinking. "You really are a military general's daughter."

XJ got closer to Harry and growled. "My father was a fool. We are nothing alike."

Harry snapped at the air with his teeth and barked like a dog. He grinned as he saw that XJ hadn't moved. "What happened to him, anyway?" He got closer to XJ, until they were one centimeter away from kissing. "You're one of the only VKs whose parents aren't around."

XJ's eyes narrowed and Harry thought that she was going to actually cut him. Harry watched her eyes and saw the reflection of his own in them. He took the time to actually examine XJ's face. XJ was surprisingly beautiful for someone who didn't really care about what she looked like: her skin was pale, as the Isle didn't get as much sunlight as Auradon; her eyes were dark brown, almost black, and he couldn't see any emotion in them – that was strange, people's eyes usually conveyed their emotions very well, and yet XJ seemed to have no emotion.

The two stared at each other, Harry smirking and XJ looking annoyed. Finally, XJ let her spear drop and walked over to Harry's cutlass. She kicked it over to him and Harry picked it up, putting it back into its sheath.

"Earn my trust and prove your worth, then maybe I'll consider telling you." XJ said coldly. "Now go, Harry Hook, and I will see you and Uma on your ship at noon tomorrow to discuss a battle plan."

Harry bowed and smirked. "My lady," He turned and swept out of the house.

XJ sighed. It had been a long day.

XJ → Harry Hook [1]✔Where stories live. Discover now