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XJ had gotten all the information that she needed regarding Chad during the fight. She had gotten some more from the reactions of the wrestling team on each individual when she had beaten Cinderella's son. Therefore, she didn't have that much left to fill in their profiles.

CHAD CHARMING - arrogant, old-fashioned (parents' influence?), rich, daft, weak, desperate for admiration and glory, Audrey's ex

Objective: Help him win Audrey back in return for three favors. Favors will depend on the situation of Ben and Auradon.

Play: Obsession with Audrey

XJ closed the window that she had Chad's profile on and pulled up someone else's. She began typing in names as she heard them being shouted around in the gym. She looked up every now and then to observe the team rather than one specific person, and each time, she saw Harry looking at her.

Harry would wink and smirked at her and she would smile back at him.

At one point, it was finally Harry's turn to spar with Jay, and XJ took a small break. The wrestling team paid more attention than usual - it was going to be interesting to see two boys from the Isle brawl. They were doing free-fight as a break, especially after seeing that they clearly needed the training anyway after XJ had almost broken Chad's arm. Of course, Jay would lose - Auradon had mellowed him out and Harry was fresh from the Isle, but they still wanted to see how fast Harry was.

"Let's go, snake boy!" Harry yelled enthusiastically as he stood on the edge of the mat. He had been itching to use his fists ever since he had come to Auradon.

He looked up at XJ, who was grinning now. He blew a kiss to her, making some people around him look over to XJ. Harry thought that she would roll her eyes and scoff, but to everyone's surprise, XJ blew a kiss back before shouting so Harry could hear, "No permanent injuries, love!"

"I think she's talking to me," Jay said, smirking as he took his place opposite Harry.

Harry turned his attention back to Jay and snickered, "Auradon's softened you up, Jay. This is going to be easy." He cracked his knuckles.

"We'll see," Jay scowled, cracking his neck.

"Three," The wrestling team all counted down in unison.


"One! Fight!"

Harry threw the first punch. Jay ducked under it and tried to punch Harry's stomach, but the pirate caught his fist with ridiculous speed and strength. Harry laughed before twisting Jay's hand, making the other boy groan in pain.

Harry used his other hand to punch Jay in the throat, but Jay managed to just dodge it. Jay kicked Harry in the stomach and this time, Harry wasn't fast enough.

Harry let go of Jay's hand and growled, glaring at him. Jay glared back as he rubbed his fist. Harry swung at Jay again and Jay dodged it, but it revealed itself to be a feint when Harry's other fist connected with Jay's face.

The wrestling team gasped and winced, feeling Jay's pain. Jay stumbled back from the blow, but Harry sweeped his legs under Jay's while he was gathering his footing. Jay fell to the floor with a thump and Harry was about to pounce on him and continue the fight, but XJ yelled, "The round's over! You've won, Harry!"

Harry straightened up and grinned proudly at XJ, "Hell yeah, I did!"

XJ sighed but smiled. "Yes you did," She said in a quieter voice so only she could hear before turning back to her laptop.

The wrestling team was congratulating Harry and patting him on the back. Harry was grinning like a madman and was basking in the glory.

Jay slowly got up and held out his hand, "Good round," Jay said grimly, not at all pleased that Harry had managed to beat him.

XJ → Harry Hook [1]✔Where stories live. Discover now