Arm Wrestling

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XJ walked into Ursula's chip shop to see everyone looking at a something in the middle. They were all chattering, excited, but they all quieted down the minute XJ walked in, with Harry behind her.

XJ soon saw what they were looking at: Mal and Uma were sitting at a table. Uma noticed XJ first as she walked up to the table. "XJ," Uma greeted.

Mal whipped her head around and her eyes widened. "XJ?"

XJ leered, "Hello, Mal. I didn't expect to see you back on the Isle. How's your beloved King Ben doing?"

Mal was noticeably nervous, but she tried not to show it. Mal scowled. "That's none of your business. What about you, XJ? Have you become a part of Uma's sorry little crew too?"

XJ smirked, "Oh Uma wishes I was a permanent addition. No – we're working together for now."

"To do what exactly?"

"That's none of your business, as you said," XJ repeated Mal's words back at her and smiled smugly.

Mal looked at Harry and she laughed. "Oh, I get it – Harry's fallen in love with you."

XJ was thrown by the sudden statement. "What?"

Mal rolled her eyes. "You haven't noticed? Hook's following you around like a lost duckling."

Harry shrugged, "I don't see the problem with that."

Mal's eyes widened, "You're admitting to it?"

"I can live with falling in love with XJ."

XJ rubbed her forehead and turned to Mal. "He does not love me." She turned to Harry. "You do not love me; are we clear?"

"Not at all, lass." Harry said smirking.

XJ groaned and looked at Uma. "Get on with it, or I'm going to lose my mind with that near me all the time." She gestured at Harry.

Uma nodded and turned back to Mal. After exchanging a few insults, they began to arm wrestle. XJ didn't really pay much attention – she had kicked someone out of their chair and had sat down. She took out her knife again and picked at it.

Harry sat next to her on the table she was sitting at. He kicked all the food on the table onto the ground, causing the people there to shout in protest. He didn't pay any attention to the outrage and put his elbows on the table, using his hands to prop up his head. He watched XJ as she looked at her knife.

Finally, XJ looked up to see Harry staring at her, a smirk on his face. XJ sighed, "Hook, get out of my face."

"Why?" Harry pouted. "I like your face."

XJ snorted, "Really smooth. I don't like yours."

Harry jutted out his bottom lip even more. "But I like you!" He whined.

"Jesus Chri – Hook, were you dropped on your head as a child?"

"Maybe," Harry said in a sing-song voice as he turned over so XJ was looking at him upside down. "Pops didn't take much care of me when I was tiny."

XJ stayed silent and Harry realized what he had implied. Apologizing was not in his nature, so he didn't say anything. The sudden silence between the two made Harry aware of the cheering around them. He looked to see that Uma had won the arm wrestle. He smirked; Mal would need to hand over the wand, but Uma had another plan to tie Ben into the play, just to make it more interesting.

"Uma won," Harry stated, looking back at XJ.

"I'm aware,"

"You don't sound too happy."

XJ → Harry Hook [1]✔Where stories live. Discover now