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"Achoo!" XJ sneezed, sniffling into a tissue.

Harry laughed as he opened the door to him and XJ's room, brandishing a tray of food. "You're adorable when you sneeze."

"Shut up, Harry," XJ grumbled. "I'm still perfectly capable of stabbing you with my spear."

Harry laughed again as he put down the tray in front of XJ, who was sitting cross-legged on her bed. "I'm starting to think you love your spear more than you love me."

"That's rich coming from a boy who never puts his hook down." XJ scowled, narrowing her eyes at Harry.

Harry pouted as he sat down next to XJ. "Touche."

XJ rolled her eyes, "Why did I agree to be your girlfriend?"

Harry kissed XJ's cheek before gesturing to the tray in front of her. "Because I'm a good boyfriend."

XJ sighed, but smiled. "Maybe you are,"

"I definitely am," Harry declared before grabbing a piece of bread from the tray.

XJ raised an eyebrow, "I'm guessing that you didn't eat in the cafeteria like a healthy person would."

"I'm love-sick," Harry grinned widely, "Get it?"

"Oh my god." XJ groaned before sneezing again. She growled in annoyance, "I have never been sick my entire life - why now of all times am I sick?"

"Oh lass," Harry said as he put an arm around XJ, "This will probably be gone within a couple of days."

XJ shrieked, her voice slightly dulled by the sickness, "A couple of days? Harry, I want to get what I want as soon as I can! Now it's going to take me more than around a week to evaluate everyone! That means a delay in my plan for Chad and his dilemma with Audrey!"

Harry shrugged, "Didn't you say that Lonnie would most definitely look for you to talk about her mother today?"

"I...yes," XJ blinked, "I'm surprised you remember."

"Then that should make up for it, right?"

"How is that going to make up for my lost time, Harry?"

"Well, I'd imagine that you would get to know more about people if they show you sympathy and tread carefully around you, because you're sick. If Lonnie really is as determined to talk to you as you think she is, then her entire demeanor is going to change the minute she sees that you're vulnerable, because she's good." Harry said casually. He caught XJ's stare. "What?"

He was answered with a kiss that made his eyes widen at the sudden show of intimacy. When he had composed himself, XJ had already run to the table and had jumped back into bed with her laptop.

XJ began typing furiously and Harry scratched the back of his neck, "Um, lass?"

"Hmm?" XJ asked, concentrating on whatever she was working on.

"Not that I don't enjoy your kisses, but what was that for?"

"You're an unknowing genius, Harry."

"I...um, thank you." Harry frowned, still confused. "What did I do?"

"You made me realize that people show more of themselves when they're showing excess emotion."

"Excess emotion? I don't think that's an actual phrase..."

"It's not - it's just an easier way for me to categorize things. I have a personal dictionary that doesn't follow the rules of English grammar." XJ explained briefly.

XJ → Harry Hook [1]✔Where stories live. Discover now